Narrow By
83810 Products
- PG000559 Wild Seeds - Syngenta
- PG001556 Perennial URC - Somis
- PG001673 Annual & Perennial Plugs
- PG001738 Annual & Perennial Plugs
- PG001825 Standard Seed Program 2024-2025
- PG001939 Special Heuchera EOD Program
- PG001946 Standard Seed Program 2025-2026 (Shell)
- PG001954 Flowering RC
- PG001956 Perennial & Grasses RC
- PG002012 Long Store (Delivery Weeks 15 - 8)
- PG002052 Tropical Liners RC
- PG002056 Hydrangea (Dormant)- USA
- PG002064 Perennial Bare Root
- PG002069 Pre-Finished
- PG002092 Fern Liners
- PG002136 Flowering URC - USA
- PG002156 Geranium URC
- PG002173 Foliage - Zimbabwe
- PG002178 Flowering URC
- PG002180 Flowering & Perennial URC
- PG002181 Ferns RC
- PG002185 Darwin Perennials URC
- PG002186 Perennial URC
- PG002187 Perennial URC - Guatemala
- PG002188 Flowering URC
- PG002221 Perennial RC
- PG002222 Flowering RC
- PG002239 Succulent URC
- PG002254 Organic Herbs RC
- PG002261 Flowering URC
- PG002271 Specialty
- PG002275 Perennial RC
- PG002276 Tropical Liners
- PG002294 Kalanchoe URC
- PG002295 Floresta Foliage URC
- PG002296 Vegetative Annuals & Perennials
- PG002297 Ferns
- PG002298 Foliage URC
- PG002311 Specialty - China
- PG002322 Flowering URC
- PG002324 Foliage - Costa Rica
- PG002325 Flowering RC
- PG002326 Annual Plugs & Liners
- PG002328 Geranium CC
- PG002330 Flowering URC
- PG002332 Flowering URC
- PG002335 Flowering URC
- PG002336 Annual RC
- PG002354 Specialty
- PG002356 Flowering URC
- PG002360 Specialty
- PG002361 Foliage RC
- PG002364 Ipomoea & Specialty URC
- PG002365 Ipomoea URC
- PG002366 Tropical TC
- PG002367 Flowering & Geranium RC
- PG002379 Flowering URC - Canada
- PG002388 Flowering RC
- PG002389 Perennial & Herb 50C
- PG002393 Flowering URC
- PG002394 Specialty RC
- PG002396 Zygo Cactus - Tanzania
- PG002399 Pansy Plugs
- PG002403 Perennial RC
- PG002407 Specialty - CAD Customers
- PG002408 Specialty - USA Customers
- PG002411 Perennial RC
- PG002423 Hydrangea (Dormant)- CAD
- PG002424 Standard Seed Program 2026-2027 (Shell)
- PG002437 Succulents & Welcome to the Jungle URC
- PG002441 Flowering - ISO
- PG002450 Dianthus URC - California
- PG002454 Altman's Special Tray Program - Altman's Only
- PG002456 Flowering RC
- PG002458 Flowering AutoStix
- PG002463 Cyclamen Plugs
- PG002465 Alstroemeria & Limonium (Van Zanten)
- PG002470 Flowering RC
- PG002471 Cyclamen - Spring Creek & Conroe
- PG002479 Annual & Perennial URC - Vivero
- PG002480 Enhanced Liners
- PG002481 Foliage & Specialty RC
- PG002482 Perennial RC
- PG002483 Fast Flowering URC
- PG002484 Flowering URC - Guatemala
- PG002485 Perennial Plugs & Liners
- PG002486 Confetti URC - El Salvador (Red Fox)
- PG002488 Flowering 32C
- PG002493 Alstroemeria TC
- PG002494 Flowering RC
- PG002495 Pansy Plugs - Special Cart Program
- PG002497 Fresh Crop 2024 (Delivery Weeks 9 -14)
- PG002498 Long Store (Delivery Weeks 15-8)
- PG002506 Flowering RC
- PG002507 Annual Liners
- PG002513 Cyclamen & Specialty
- PG002514 Flowering & Clematis
- PG002516 Daylily & Hosta RC - High Volume ONLY
- PG002517 Specialty
- PG002519 Cut Flowers
- PG002520 Perennial URC
- PG002521 Perennial AutoStix
- PG002522 Perennial AutoStix
- PG002523 Specialty - US
- PG002524 Asiatic & Oriental Lily
- PG002527 Annual Plugs
- PG002535 Roseville Clematis
- PG002539 Flowering RC
- PG002543 Geranium CC - Ethiopia (Red Fox)
- PG002545 Hydrangea
- PG002547 Geranium URC
- PG002548 Flowering URC - El Salvador (Red Fox)
- PG002551 Geranium CC - Mexico (Oglevee)
- PG002552 Geranium CC
- PG002553 Geranium URC - Mexico (Oglevee)
- PG002554 Cutting Time-CC
- PG002556 Geranium (Novelty & Regal) URC - Mexico
- PG002557 Geranium Liners
- PG002558 Flowering AutoStix
- PG002560 New Guinea Impatiens URC
- PG002561 Kwik Kombos URC
- PG002563 Begonia Liners
- PG002564 Perennial RC
- PG002565 Ipomoea URC (Mexico) - Canada
- PG002570 Flowering & Perennial URC
- PG002573 Annual & Perennial AutoStix - Vivero
- PG002574 Perennial CC
- PG002575 Dianthus - RC
- PG002576 Perennial AutoStix - Guatemala
- PG002579 Perennial CC
- PG002580 Perennial CC
- PG002581 Herb & Perennial URC
- PG002582 Flowering CC
- PG002583 Flowering AutoStix (2 Cuttings)
- PG002584 Annual Plug & Liner
- PG002585 Flowering RC
- PG002586 Fast Flowering URC
- PG002587 Flowering AutoStix
- PG002588 Flowering RC - Canada
- PG002591 Begonia URC
- PG002599 Tropicals & Ferns
- PG002601 Specialty & Bulb
- PG002602 Annual Plugs
- PG002603 Bare Root Perennials
- PG002607 Annual & Perennial Plug & Liner
- PG002609 Darwin Perennials CC
- PG002610 Darwin Perennials AutoStix
- PG002613 Ipomoea URC - California
- PG002614 Flowering RC
- PG002616 Specialty & Bulk Tags
- PG002618 Flowering AutoStix
- PG002619 Hydrangea 4"
- PG002625 Specialty
- PG002627 Hydrangea - 1 1/2 Quart
- PG002629 Flowering RC
- PG002630 Flowering & Geranium RC
- PG002631 Geranium (Novelty & Regal) CC - Mexico
- PG002632 Geranium (Novelty & Regal) AutoStix - Mexico
- PG002633 Alstroemeria
- PG002634 Annual Plugs
- PG002635 Geranium URC - Ethiopia (Red Fox)
- PG002636 Geranium Basewell - Ethiopia
- PG002637 Geranium AutoStix - Mexico (Oglevee)
- PG002638 Flowering Basewell - Guatemala
- PG002639 Flowering Basewell - El Salvador
- PG002640 Flowering AutoStix - Guatemala
- PG002641 Flowering AutoStix - El Salvador ( Red Fox)
- PG002642 Flowering CC - El Salvador
- PG002643 Dipladenia CC
- PG002645 GCG Flowering Exclusives-BFP
- PG002650 Hibiscus RC
- PG002652 Caladium Bulbs
- PG002653 Calla - Netherlands
- PG002654 Specialty
- PG002657 Flowering RC
- PG002658 Flowering CC
- PG002659 Flowering AutoStix
- PG002660 Geranium AutoStix
- PG002661 Annual & Perennial Plugs
- PG002662 Perennial RC
- PG002663 Ornamentals
- PG002665 Hibiscus Quick Start 4"
- PG002666 Bulb & Bareroot
- PG002667 Succulents
- PG002668 Flowering & Perennial RC
- PG002669 Flowering URC - Key Accounts
- PG002670 Dianthus URC
- PG002672 Containers
- PG002675 Annual Liners
- PG002678 Clematis
- PG002690 Flowering RC
- PG002691 Perennial & Herb Annual Plugs
- PG002694 GCG Flowering Exclusives-Selecta
- PG002696 Cut Flowers
- PG002697 Grasses
- PG002698 Annual Liners
- PG002699 Bump Up 4.5"
- PG002700 Flowering RC
- PG002703 Bulbs
- PG002705 Containers - NO DISCOUNTING
- PG002707 Flowering RC
- PG002710 Alstroemeria
- PG002712 Annual & Perennial Plugs
- PG002717 Flowering RC
- PG002718 Perennial & Herb 50C
- PG002720 Flowering RC
- PG002723 Flowering RC
- PG002724 Annual Plugs
- PG002725 GCG Flowering Exclusives-Floritec
- PG002727 Foliage URC
- PG002731 Aster & Specialty
- PG002733 Azaela
- PG002736 Succulents
- PG002741 Mystic Mums URC
- PG002742 Euphorbia & Saintpaulia-URC
- PG002747 Finished
- PG002749 Pre-Intro - Perennial URC
- PG002750 Pre-Intro - Geranium URC
- PG002751 Pre-Intro - Geranium CC
- PG002752 Pre-Intro - Cutting Time CC
- PG002753 Pre-Intro - Flowering URC
- PG002754 Pre-Intro - Flowering AutoStix
- PG002755 Ferns RC
- PG002756 Mandevilla PF 4.5"
- PG002757 Mandevilla RC
- PG002758 Flowering RC
- PG002759 Express Seed Trials
- PG002761 Express Seed Trials
- PG002762 Express Seed Trials
- PG002768 Dianthus RC
- V0001 Dummen Orange
- V0004 Floranova Limited
- V0005 Beekenkamp Plants BV
- V0007 Four Star Sales LLC
- V0010 Pleasant View Gardens Inc
- V0012 Sakata Seed America Inc
- V0013 Danziger Flower Farm
- V0019 Syngenta Flowers Inc
- V0021 Mast Young Plants
- V0022 Athena Brazil USA LLC
- V0024 Kientzler North America
- V0025 Gediflora bvba
- V0026 Headstart Nursery Inc
- V0027 American Takii Inc
- V0038 Flecke-Saaten-Handel GmbH
- V0040 Hatchett Creek Farms LLC
- V0045 Jelitto Staudensamen GmbH
- V0049 Syngenta (Seed) Flowers Inc
- V0052 Takii Europe BV
- V0055 AgriStarts Inc
- V0057 Environmental Seed
- V0061 Express Seed
- V0062 Nordic Nursery
- V0063 Garden Trends/Harris Seeds Inc
- V0064 Malmborg's Inc
- V0065 Mistletoe Carter Wholesale Seeds
- V0067 Johnny's Selected Seeds
- V0070 Knox Horticulture LLC
- V0071 Koppes Plants LLC
- V0073 Gulley Greenhouse
- V0074 North Carolina Farms Inc
- V0077 Panamerican Seed Co
- V0079 Seminis Vegetable Seeds
- V0089 Robrick Nursery
- V0091 Ernst Benary Of America Inc.
- V0094 Terra Nova Nurseries Inc
- V0123 Horticultural Marketing Assoc
- V0131 Cohen Propagation Nurseries LTD
- V0132 Plant Source International
- V0143 Seeds By Design Inc
- V0145 Florensis Cut Flowers BV
- V0151 Hishtil Afula (1989) Ltd
- V0160 Creek Hill Nursery Inc
- V0164 Varinova
- V0169 Jaldety
- V0178 Rudy Raes Bloemzaden nv
- V0190 Linwell Gardens
- V0210 Hem Genetics BV
- V0212 Schoneveld Breeding BV
- V0214 Ball Seed Co
- V0242 Evanthia BV
- V0248 Oglevee Ltd
- V0255 Ball Horticulture Company
- V0259 Griffith Propagation Nursery, Inc
- V0269 EconSeeds BV
- V0289 ABZ Aardbeien uit Zaad BV
- V0302 Walters Gardens
- V0308 Spring Meadow Nursery Inc
- V0309 Vegetalis
- V0313 Thompson and Morgan Wholesale
- V0322 HilverdaFlorist BV
- V0341 Cultivaris North America LLC
- V0342 Volmary GmbH
- V0369 DS Cole Growers
- V0370 Pro-Veg Seeds Ltd
- V0400 Oglesby Plants International Inc
- V0410 AmeriSeed Inc
- V0423 Plantpeddler Inc
- V0441 Keep Smiling Bv
- V0468 Prudac of Greenroad BV
- V0485 Kapiteyn bv
- V0498 Kerley & Company
- V0502 Terra Organics
- V0513 Van Zanten Breeding BV
- V0547 Plant Haven
- V0549 Vitroflora
- V0573 Van Hemert Co BV
- V0588 Marco van Noort Breeding BV
- V0589 Plantas Ilimitadas sa
- V0596 Burpee Europe BV
- V0603 Plantenkwekerij Vreugdenhil BV
- V0604 Succulents Unlimited BV
- V0638 Syngenta Seeds BV
- V0659 Concept Plants BV
- V0669 Agropecuaria Hnos Pacheco SA
- V0670 Monrovia Nursery Co
- V0685 Kwekerij Lankhaar BV
- V0696 Green Fuse Botanicals Inc
- V0718 KiwiFlora
- V0725 Smit Kwekerijen BV
- V0740 Red Fox (Breeder)
- V0742 Selecta (Breeder)
- V0744 Ornamentex BV
- V0747 Westflowers (Breeder)
- V0748 Suntory (Breeder)
- V0749 NuFlora International P/L
- V0753 Anderson's Seedco
- V0754 SunnyBorder (Breeder)
- V0755 Itsaul Plants (Breeder)
- V0756 Garden Solutions
- V0758 Yoder (Breeder)
- V0759 Open Varieties
- V0761 A P Whaley (Breeder)
- V0762 Bejo Seeds (Breeder)
- V0763 DP Seeds (Breeder)
- V0764 Enza Coastal (Breeder)
- V0765 Known You (Breeder)
- V0766 Tokita (Breeder)
- V0767 Wild West (Breeder)
- V0768 Genesis Seeds LTD (Breeder)
- V0772 Hans Halsema (Breeder)
- V0773 Future Plant (Breeder)
- V0774 DitoPlant (Breeder)
- V0778 HilverdaKooij (Breeder)
- V0779 PAC (Breeder)
- V0780 Fides (Breeder)
- V0790 GAV (Breeder)
- V0791 Steve Rinehart
- V0793 All Plants (Breeder)
- V0794 Rijnbeek (Breeder)
- V0804 Pure Line Seeds Inc
- V0806 Poulsen (Breeder)
- V0811 DarwinPerennials
- V0812 Marcum (Breeder)
- V0815 Miyoshi & Co, Ltd
- V0818 Kieft Seed
- V0819 Must Have Perennials
- V0820 Proven Winners (PW) (Breeder)
- V0821 Plant Select (Breeder)
- V0823 Innoflora Plant Breeding BV (Breeder)
- V0824 Plants Nouveau (Breeder)
- V0833 PGA InnovaBred (Breeder)
- V0834 B & S Plants LLC (Breeder)
- V0835 Plantipp BV (Breeder)
- V0836 Intrinsic Perennial Gardens (Breeder)
- V0837 AB-Cultivars (Breeder)
- V0838 Hortech Inc (Breeder)
- V0840 Molter BV (Breeder)
- V0843 A. Vershoor Horticulture (Breeder)
- V0847 Plants Management Australia (Breeder)
- V0848 Walter Blom Plants BV (Breeder)
- V0851 Agriom (Breeder)
- V0852 Heuger (Breeder)
- V0855 Chicagoland Grows Inc (Breeder)
- V0856 Green Works (Breeder)
- V0884 Floragran BV
- V0923 Werner Gerits BREEDER
- V0924 Cerny Seed S.R.O.
- V0987 Cardosa Farms LLC/Got Seed
- V1028 Syngenta Seeds, LLC
- V1032 Richardson Seeds LTD
- V1057 Bull Gartenbau (Breeder)
- V1121 Meshek Hai Grofit Agricultural Cooperative, LTD
- V1129 Sumika Agrotech Co., LTD
- V1144 Plant Development Services
- V1145 Garden Genetics
- V1146 Chris Baker
- V1147 Landcraft
- V1148 Jen and Keith Miner
- V1149 Lommerse
- V1150 Florida Friendly Plants
- V1151 RAI
- V1152 Plantinova
- V1153 University of Florida
- V1154 Garden Choice
- V1157 Baker
- V1158 Repp
- V1185 MD Zafra, Inc
- V0001 Dummen Orange
- V0003 Van Wingerden Int Inc
- V0005 Beekenkamp Plants BV
- V0006 Green Circle Growers - Plugs
- V0007 Four Star Sales LLC
- V0008 Master Tag
- V0010 Pleasant View Gardens Inc
- V0011 Green Circle Growers - Liners
- V0012 Sakata Seed America Inc
- V0013 Danziger Flower Farm
- V0016 Pacific Plug And Liner
- V0017 Vivero North America Corp
- V0018 James Greenhouses Inc
- V0019 Syngenta Flowers Inc
- V0021 Mast Young Plants
- V0022 Athena Brazil USA LLC
- V0023 Danziger Kenya
- V0024 Kientzler North America
- V0026 Headstart Nursery Inc
- V0027 American Takii Inc
- V0032 Casa Flora Operating LLC
- V0034 Dahlstrom & Watt Bulb Farms Inc
- V0038 Flecke-Saaten-Handel GmbH
- V0040 Hatchett Creek Farms LLC
- V0042 Swift Greenhouses Inc
- V0045 Jelitto Staudensamen GmbH
- V0049 Syngenta (Seed) Flowers Inc
- V0051 Aris Horticulture Inc
- V0052 Takii Europe BV
- V0055 AgriStarts Inc
- V0057 Environmental Seed
- V0058 Donahue's Greenhouses Inc
- V0061 Express Seed
- V0063 Garden Trends/Harris Seeds Inc
- V0064 Malmborg's Inc
- V0065 Mistletoe Carter Wholesale Seeds
- V0066 Hendry Caladiums Inc
- V0067 Johnny's Selected Seeds
- V0070 Knox Horticulture LLC
- V0072 Kube Pak Corp
- V0073 Gulley Greenhouse
- V0074 North Carolina Farms Inc
- V0077 Panamerican Seed Co
- V0079 Seminis Vegetable Seeds
- V0084 Takao Nursery Inc
- V0089 Robrick Nursery
- V0091 Ernst Benary Of America Inc.
- V0092 Clearview Horticulture
- V0094 Terra Nova Nurseries Inc
- V0095 Leo Berbee Bulb Company
- V0096 Wenke Greenhouses
- V0097 Foremost Foliage Inc
- V0100 Woodburn Nursery & Azaleas
- V0105 Emerald Coast Growers LLC
- V0112 Hillcrest Nursery Inc
- V0132 Plant Source International
- V0143 Seeds By Design Inc
- V0145 Florensis Cut Flowers BV
- V0151 Hishtil Afula (1989) Ltd
- V0160 Creek Hill Nursery Inc
- V0169 Jaldety
- V0177 Hoffman Nursery Inc
- V0178 Rudy Raes Bloemzaden nv
- V0182 American Farms LLC
- V0188 MillStadt Young Plants
- V0190 Linwell Gardens
- V0210 Hem Genetics BV
- V0212 Schoneveld Breeding BV
- V0242 Evanthia BV
- V0255 Ball Horticulture Company
- V0256 Hardy Starts by Welby Gardens
- V0259 Griffith Propagation Nursery, Inc
- V0269 EconSeeds BV
- V0286 Hidden Acres Nursery Inc
- V0289 ABZ Aardbeien uit Zaad BV
- V0292 Unex Inc
- V0302 Walters Gardens
- V0303 Lucas Greenhouses
- V0312 South Florida Plant Services Inc
- V0313 Thompson and Morgan Wholesale
- V0322 HilverdaFlorist BV
- V0327 Davis Floral Company, Inc.
- V0339 Van der Salm Farms Inc
- V0342 Volmary GmbH
- V0345 Qualitree Propagators Inc CAD
- V0346 C J Ruigrok & Zonen BV
- V0368 Vitro Plus BV
- V0369 DS Cole Growers
- V0370 Pro-Veg Seeds Ltd
- V0382 Meadowlands Horticultural Inc
- V0398 Creekside Greenhouses Ltd
- V0410 AmeriSeed Inc
- V0415 ARC Ferns LLC
- V0419 Spring Valley Gardens
- V0423 Plantpeddler Inc
- V0460 Nash Greenhouse
- V0485 Kapiteyn bv
- V0502 Terra Organics
- V0513 Van Zanten Breeding BV
- V0533 Wenke - Sunbelt Greenhouses
- V0534 DeVry Greenhouses Ltd
- V0541 Tuszynscy Gospodarstwa Ogrodniczego
- V0549 Vitroflora
- V0573 Van Hemert Co BV
- V0596 Burpee Europe BV
- V0603 Plantenkwekerij Vreugdenhil BV
- V0604 Succulents Unlimited BV
- V0624 Creekside Greenhouses Ltd CAD
- V0638 Syngenta Seeds BV
- V0650 Quality Cuttings Team
- V0658 Manatee Farms
- V0677 Sunshine Horticulture LLC
- V0678 Begonien Rieger
- V0680 Raker Roberta's Young Plants LLC
- V0682 Southwest Perennials Inc
- V0685 Kwekerij Lankhaar BV
- V0690 Sedum Master Inc USD
- V0696 Green Fuse Botanicals Inc
- V0716 Aldershot Greenhouses Limited
- V0725 Smit Kwekerijen BV
- V0734 Meridian Young Plants
- V0744 Ornamentex BV
- V0753 Anderson's Seedco
- V0756 Garden Solutions
- V0757 Qualitree Propagators Inc USD
- V0804 Pure Line Seeds Inc
- V0815 Miyoshi & Co, Ltd
- V0870 Floranova Ltd (Wild Seeds)
- V0879 Coastside Propagation
- V0884 Floragran BV
- V0899 AG2 TC, LLC
- V0924 Cerny Seed S.R.O.
- V0940 Rocky Mountain Liners
- V0973 Cacti Youngplants BV
- V0987 Cardosa Farms LLC/Got Seed
- V0990 GET Group, Inc
- V0995 Westcan Greenhouses Ltd
- V1001 DeGroot
- V1008 Fessler Nursery Co.
- V1011 Al's Garden Centers and Greenhouses, LLC
- V1028 Syngenta Seeds, LLC
- V1032 Richardson Seeds LTD
- V1035 Bay Cove Group LLC
- V1042 Esbenshades Greenhouses Inc.
- V1054 Meyers Flowers
- V1102 Pat Ford's Nursery Inc
- V1103 Pacific Growers
- V1105 Harold Walters Nursery
- V1113 Grow 4 You B.V.
- V1115 Iribov B.V.
- V1116 Pinnacle Plants International
- V1121 Meshek Hai Grofit Agricultural Cooperative, LTD
- V1129 Sumika Agrotech Co., LTD
- V1131 Amerigo Farms Inc.
- V1161 Ornamentals Unlimited BV
- V1185 MD Zafra, Inc
Common Name
- Abelia
- Abelmoschus
- Abutilon
- Acalypha
- Acanthocereus
- Acanthus
- Acer
- Achillea
- Aconitum
- Acorus
- Actaea
- Actinidia
- Adenium
- Adromischus
- Aegopodium
- Aeonium
- Aeschynanthus
- Aframomum
- Agapanthus
- Agastache
- Agave
- Ageratum
- Aglaomorpha
- Aglaonema
- Ajuga
- Akebia
- Alcea
- Alchemilla
- Allamanda
- Allium
- Alocasia
- Aloe
- Aloysia
- Alpinia
- Alsobia
- Alstroemeria
- Alternanthera
- Alyogyne
- Alyssum
- Alyssum Perennial
- Amaranthus
- Amelanchier
- Ammi
- Amsonia
- Amydrium
- Anacyclus
- Anagallis
- Ananas
- Anchusa
- Andropogon
- Anemanthele
- Anemone
- Angelonia
- Anigozanthos
- Anisacanthus
- Anisodontea
- Antennaria
- Anthurium
- Antigonon
- Aphelandra
- Apoballis
- Aptenia
- Aquilegia
- Arabis
- Aralia
- Arbutus
- Arctostaphylos
- Arctotis
- Arenaria
- Argyranthemum
- Arisaema
- Aristolochia
- Armeria
- Aronia
- Artemisia
- Artichoke
- Arugula
- Arum
- Aruncus
- Asarum
- Asclepias
- Asimina
- Asparagus
- Astelia
- Aster
- Aster Cut Flower
- Asteriscus
- Astilbe
- Astrantia
- Aubrieta
- Aucuba
- Aurinia
- Azalea
- Baccharis
- Bacopa
- Balsam
- Bamboo
- Banana Musa
- Baptisia
- Basil
- Basil Ornamental
- Bay Laurel
- Begonia
- Begonia Boliviensis
- Begonia Elatior
- Begonia Fibrous
- Begonia Foliage
- Begonia Hiemalis
- Begonia Interspecific
- Begonia Rex
- Begonia Tuberous
- Belamcanda
- Bellis
- Beloperone
- Berberis
- Bergenia
- Berlandiera
- Beschorneria
- Bidens
- Bignonia
- Blackberry
- Blueberry
- Boesenbergia
- Bougainvillea
- Bouteloua
- Boxwood
- Boysenberry
- Brachyscome
- Bracteantha
- Breynia
- Briza
- Bromeliad
- Browallia
- Brunfelsia
- Brunnera
- Buddleia
- Bulbine
- Bupleurum
- Burbidgea
- Buxus
- Cactus
- Caesalpinia
- Caladium
- Calamagrostis
- Calamintha
- Calandrinia
- Calathea
- Calceolaria
- Calendula
- Calibrachoa
- Calla Lily
- Calliandra
- Callicarpa
- Callirhoe
- Callisia
- Callistemon
- Calluna
- Calocephalus
- Calycanthus
- Calylophus
- Campanula
- Campanula Cut Flower
- Campsis
- Canna
- Caraway
- Cardamine
- Cardoon
- Carex
- Carthamus
- Caryopteris
- Cassia
- Cat Grass
- Catananche
- Catharanthus
- Catmint
- Cattleya
- Ceanothus
- Celosia
- Celosia Cut Flower
- Centaurea
- Centradenia
- Centranthus
- Cephalanthus
- Cerastium
- Ceratostigma
- Ceropegia
- Cestrum
- Chamaecyparis
- Chamaemelum
- Chamaesyce
- Chasmanthium
- Cheiranthus
- Chelone
- Chervil
- Chlorophytum
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysocephalum
- Chrysogonum
- Cimicifuga
- Cineraria
- Cissus
- Cistus
- Clematis
- Cleome
- Clerodendrum
- Clethra
- Coffee
- Coleonema
- Coleus
- Colocasia
- Combo
- Convallaria
- Convolvulus
- Coprosma
- Cordyline
- Coreopsis
- Cornus
- Correa
- Corydalis
- Corynephorus
- Cosmos
- Costus
- Cotinus
- Cotoneaster
- Cotyledon
- Crape Myrtle
- Craspedia
- Craspedia Cut Flower
- Crassula
- Crataegus
- Crocosmia
- Crossandra
- Croton
- Cryptomeria
- Ctenanthe
- Cuphea
- Cupressocyparis
- Cupressus
- Curcuma
- Curry
- Cyanotis
- Cycas
- Cyclamen
- Cymbalaria
- Cynodon
- Cyperus
- Cytisus
- Daffodil
- Dahlberg Daisy
- Dahlia
- Damianita
- Daphne
- Datura
- Daucus
- Daylily
- Delairea
- Delosperma
- Delphinium
- Dendrobium
- Deschampsia
- Deutzia
- Dianella
- Dianthus
- Dianthus Cut Flower
- Diascia
- Dicentra
- Dichondra
- Dicliptera
- Didelta
- Dieffenbachia
- Diervilla
- Dietes
- Digiplexis
- Digitalis
- Dill
- Dionaea
- Diospyros
- Dipladenia
- Dischidia
- Distylium
- Dizygotheca
- Dodonaea
- Dolichos
- Doreanthus
- Doronicum
- Dorotheanthus
- Dracaena
- Dracocephalum
- Drosera
- Duranta
- Dusty Miller
- Dymondia
- Dypsis
- Echebeckia
- Echeveria
- Echinacea
- Echinops
- Echium
- Elaeagnus
- Elaeocarpus
- Elephant Ear
- Endive
- Engelmannia
- Ensete
- Epidendrum
- Epilobium
- Epimedium
- Epiphyllum
- Epipremnum
- Episcia
- Eremurus
- Erianthus
- Erica
- Erigeron
- Eriobotrya
- Eriogonum
- Eriophyllum
- Erodium
- Eryngium
- Erysimum
- Escallonia
- Eschscholzia
- Esperanza
- Eucalyptus
- Eucomis
- Eugenia
- Euonymus
- Eupatorium
- Euphorbia
- Euryops
- Evolvulus
- Exacum
- Farfugium
- Fascicularia
- Fatsia
- Faucaria
- Feijoa
- Felicia
- Fern
- Fern Nephrolepis
- Festuca
- Ficinia
- Ficus Altissima
- Ficus Benghalensis
- Ficus Benjimina
- Ficus Elastica
- Ficus Lyrata
- Ficus Pumila
- Ficus Shivereana
- Ficus Species
- Filipendula
- Fittonia
- Flowering Cabbage
- Flowering Kale
- Forsythia
- Fothergilla
- Fruit Carica
- Fruit Ficus
- Fruit Grape
- Fruit Honeyberry
- Fruit Honeydew
- Fruit Hylocereus
- Fruit Mulberry
- Fruit Raspberry
- Fruit Ribes
- Fruit Rubus
- Fruit Strawberry
- Fuchsia
- Furcraea
- Gaillardia
- Galium
- Galvezia
- Gamolepis
- Gardenia
- Gasteria
- Gaultheria
- Gaura
- Gazania
- Genista
- Gentiana
- Geogenanthus
- Geranium
- Geranium Exotic
- Geranium Interspecific
- Geranium Ivy
- Geranium Perennial
- Geranium Regal
- Geranium Scented
- Geranium Zonal
- Gerbera
- Germander
- Geum
- Gibasis
- Gibasis
- Ginger
- Gladiola
- Glechoma
- Gloxinia
- Godetia
- Gomphocarpus
- Gomphrena
- Graptopetalum
- Graptosedum
- Graptoveria
- Grass
- Grass Acorus
- Grass Calamagrostis
- Grass Carex
- Grass Cortaderia
- Grass Cyperus
- Grass Eragrostis
- Grass Festuca
- Grass Hakonechloa
- Grass Helictotrichon
- Grass Imperata
- Grass Isolepis
- Grass Juncus
- Grass Koeleria
- Grass Lagurus
- Grass Luzula
- Grass Melinis
- Grass Milium
- Grass Miscanthus
- Grass Muhlenbergia
- Grass Nassella
- Grass Panicum
- Grass Pennisetum
- Grass Phalaris
- Grass Schizachyrium
- Grass Scirpus
- Grass Stipa
- Grevillea
- Grewia
- Gymnocalycium
- Gynostemma
- Gynura
- Gypsophila
- Hamelia
- Hardenbergia
- Haworthia
- Hebe
- Hedera
- Hedychium
- Helenium
- Helianthemum
- Helianthus
- Helichrysum
- Heliopsis
- Heliotrope
- Helleborus
- Hemerocallis
- Hemigraphis
- Hemizygia
- Herb Assortment
- Herb Basil
- Herb Bay Leaf
- Herb Borage
- Herb Chamomile
- Herb Chives
- Herb Cilantro
- Herb Coriander
- Herb Cymbopogon
- Herb Dill
- Herb Fennel
- Herb Helichrysum
- Herb Horehound
- Herb Lemon Balm
- Herb Lemon Verbena
- Herb Lovage
- Herb Majorana
- Herb Marjoram
- Herb Mentha
- Herb Mint
- Herb Mix
- Herb Oregano
- Herb Parsley
- Herb Pennyroyal
- Herb Perilla
- Herb Rosemary
- Herb Sage
- Herb Sage Salvia
- Herb Satureja
- Herb Savory
- Herb Stevia
- Herb Sweet Woodruff
- Herb Tarragon
- Herb Thyme
- Herniaria
- Hesperaloe
- Hesperis
- Hesperozygis
- Heuchera
- Heucherella
- Hibiscus
- Hieracium
- Homalocladium
- Homalomena
- Honeysuckle
- Hops
- Hosta
- Houttuynia
- Hoya
- Huernia
- Hyacinth
- Hydnophytum
- Hydrangea
- Hydrangea EXP
- Hydrocotyle
- Hymenoxys
- Hypericum
- Hypoestes
- Hyssop
- Iberis
- Ilex
- Illicium
- Impatiens
- Impatiens Double
- Impatiens Interspecific
- Impatiens New Guinea
- Incarvillea
- Ipomoea
- Iresine
- Iris
- Isoplexis
- Isotoma
- Itea
- Ivy
- Ivy Cissus
- Ivy Hedera
- Ixia
- Ixora
- Jacobiana
- Jamesbrittenia
- Jasmine
- Jasminum
- Jatropha
- Jewel Orchid
- Juniper
- Juniperus
- Justicia
- Kalanchoe
- Kalanchoe EXP
- Kalmia
- Knautia
- Kniphofia
- Lagerstroemia
- Lamiastrum
- Lamium
- Lampranthus
- Lantana
- Larkspur
- Lathyrus
- Laurentia
- Laurus
- Lavander Stoechas
- Lavandula
- Laveder Stoechas
- Lavender
- Lavender Angustifolia
- Lavender Stoechas
- Lemon Balm
- Lemon Grass
- Lemon Verbena
- Leonotis
- Leontopodium
- Lepechinia
- Lepidium
- Leptinella
- Lespedeza
- Lessingia
- Leucanthemum
- Leucophyllum
- Leucothoe
- Lewisia
- Leymus
- Liatris
- Libertia
- Ligularia
- Ligustrum
- Lily Asiatic
- Lily LA Hybrid
- Lily Oriental
- Lily Oriental Cut Flower
- Limonium
- Linaria
- Lindernia
- Linum
- Lippia
- Liriope
- Lisianthus
- Lisianthus Cut Flower
- Lithodora
- Lobelia
- Lobularia
- Lomandra
- Lonicera
- Lophospermum
- Loropetalum
- Lotus Vine
- Lupine
- Lychnis
- Lycium
- Lysimachia
- Lythrum
- Magnolia
- Mahonia
- Malpighia
- Malva
- Malvaviscus
- Mammillaria
- Mandevilla
- Manettia
- Manfreda
- Mangave
- Maranta
- Marigold African
- Marigold French
- Marigold Signet
- Marigold Triploid
- Mascagnia
- Matricaria
- Mazus
- Mecardonia
- Medinilla
- Melampodium
- Mertensia
- Mesembryanthemum
- Mexican
- Mexican Flamevine
- Microbiota
- Micromeria
- Millet Ornamental
- Mimosa
- Mimulus
- Mint Ornamental
- Miscellaneous
- Moluccella
- Monarda
- Monardella
- Mondo Grass
- Monolena
- Monstera
- Montauk Daisy
- Morning Glory Ipomea
- Muehlenbeckia
- Mukgenia
- Mum Garden
- Mum Pot
- Muntingia
- Murdannia
- Muscari
- Myoporum
- Myosotis
- Myrcianthes
- Myrica Wax Myrtle
- Myrmecodia
- Myrmephytum
- Myrsine
- Myrtle
- Nandina
- Nasturtium
- Nematanthus
- Nemesia
- Nepenthes
- Nepeta
- Nerium
- Nicotiana
- Nierembergia
- Nigella
- Odontonema
- Oenothera
- Olea
- Oleander
- Ophiopogon
- Oplismenus
- Opuntia
- Orchid
- Oredenia
- Oregano Ornamental
- Orostachys
- Orthosiphon
- Osmanthus
- Osteospermum
- Othonna
- Oxalis
- Pachycereus
- Pachyphytum
- Pachypodium
- Pachysandra
- Pachysedum
- Pachystachys
- Pachyveria
- Palm
- Pandanus
- Pansy
- Papaver
- Parthenocissus
- Passiflora
- Patchouli
- Pavonia
- Pelargonium
- Pellionia
- Penstemon
- Pentas
- Peony
- Peperomia
- Pepper Ornamental
- Pereskia
- Pericallis
- Perilla
- Perovskia
- Persicaria
- Petchoa
- Petrea
- Petunia
- Phalaris
- Philadelphus
- Philodendron
- Phlomis
- Phlox
- Phlox Paniculata
- Phlox Subulata
- Phormium
- Photinia
- Phygelius
- Phyla
- Physalis
- Physocarpus
- Physostegia
- Picea
- Pieris
- Pilea
- Piper
- Pistacia
- Pittosporum
- Platycodon
- Plectranthus
- Plumbago
- Podocarpus
- Podophyllum
- Poinsettia
- Polemonium
- Polianthes
- Polygala
- Polygonum
- Pomegranate Punica
- Portulaca
- Portulacaria
- Potato
- Potentilla
- Pothos
- Pratia
- Primula
- Pritzelago
- Prunella
- Prunus
- Psephellus
- Pseuderanthemum
- Pseudotsuga
- Psychotria
- Pteris
- Pterocephalus
- Ptilotus
- Pulmonaria
- Pulsatilla
- Purslane
- Pyrethrum
- Pyrostegia
- Quercus
- Radermachera
- Radish
- Ranunculus
- Ratibida
- Rebutia
- Rhamnus
- Rhaphidophora
- Rhaphiolepis
- Rhipsalidopsis
- Rhipsalis
- Rhodochiton
- Rhododendron
- Rhoeo
- Rhubarb
- Rhus
- Rodgersia
- Rose
- Rose Mini
- Rosmarinus
- Rudbeckia
- Ruellia
- Rumex
- Rungia
- Russelia
- Ruta
- Ruttya
- Sabal
- Sagina
- Sagina (Fairy)
- Saintpaulia African Violet
- Salicornia
- Salix
- Salvia
- Salvia Elegans
- Salvia Farinacea
- Salvia Gaurantica
- Salvia Greggii
- Salvia Hybrida
- Salvia Leucantha
- Salvia Leucophylla
- Salvia Lyrata
- Salvia Nemerosa
- Salvia Pachyphylla
- Salvia Splendens
- Salvia Superba
- Salvia Verticillata
- Sambucus
- Sanchezia
- Sansevieria
- Santolina
- Sanvitalia
- Saponaria
- Sarcococca
- Saritaea
- Sarracenia
- Satureja
- Sauropus
- Saxifraga
- Scabiosa
- Scabiosa Cut Flower
- Scaevola
- Schaueria
- Schefflera
- Schismatoglottis
- Schizanthus
- Schizophragma
- Scindapsus
- Scirpus
- Scrophularia
- Scutellaria
- Sedeveria
- Sedum
- Selaginella
- Selenicereus
- Semiaquilegia
- Sempervivum
- Senecio
- Serissa
- Sesleria
- Setcreasea
- Shiso
- Sideritis
- Silene
- Silphium
- Sisyrinchium
- Skimmia
- Smallanthus
- Snapdragon
- Snapdragon Cut Flower
- Solanum
- Soleirolia
- Solidago
- Sorghastrum
- Sorghum Ornamental
- Sorrel
- Spartina
- Spathiphyllum
- Spathoglottis
- Spigelia
- Spiraea
- Sporobolus
- Stachys
- Stachytarpheta
- Statice
- Stemodia
- Stephanotis
- Stevia
- Stipa
- Stock
- Stock Cut Flower
- Stokesia
- Strelitzia
- Streptocarpella
- Streptocarpus
- Strobilanthes
- Stylophorum
- Succulents
- Sunflower
- Sunflower Cut Flower
- Sunflower Interspecific
- Sunflower Potted
- Symphoricarpos
- Syngonium
- Syringa
- Tacca
- Tagetes
- Talinum
- Tanacetum
- Taxodium
- Taxus
- Tea Tree
- Tecoma
- Tecomaria
- Teucrium
- Thalictrum
- Thryallis
- Thuja
- Thunbergia
- Thymus
- Tiarella
- Tibouchina
- Tigridia
- Tillandsia
- Tithonia
- Tolmiea
- Torenia
- Trachelium
- Trachelospermum
- Tradescantia
- Tricyrtis
- Trifolium
- Trillium
- Trollius
- Trumpet Vine
- Tulbaghia
- Tulip
- Turnera
- Uncinia
- Vaccinium
- Valerian
- Vasconcellea
- Vegetable Artichoke
- Vegetable Asparagus
- Vegetable Beet
- Vegetable Brassica
- Vegetable Broccoli
- Vegetable Brussel Sprouts
- Vegetable Cabbage
- Vegetable Cantaloupe
- Vegetable Carrot
- Vegetable Cauliflower
- Vegetable Celery
- Vegetable Collards
- Vegetable Cucamelon
- Vegetable Cucumber
- Vegetable Eggplant
- Vegetable Fennel
- Vegetable Horseradish
- Vegetable Kale
- Vegetable Kohlrabi
- Vegetable Leek
- Vegetable Lettuce
- Vegetable Multi Species
- Vegetable Mustard
- Vegetable Okra
- Vegetable Onion
- Vegetable Pak Choi
- Vegetable Pea
- Vegetable Pepper
- Vegetable Pumpkin
- Vegetable Spinach
- Vegetable Squash
- Vegetable Swiss Chard
- Vegetable Tomatillo
- Vegetable Tomato
- Vegetable Turnip
- Verbascum
- Verbena
- Verbena Almond
- Veronica
- Viburnum
- Viguera
- Vinca
- Vinca Major
- Vinca Minor
- Viola
- Virginiana
- Vitex
- Waldsteinia
- Wangenheimia
- Wasabia
- Watercress
- Watermelon
- Weigela
- Westringia
- Whitefieldia
- Wisteria
- Xanthosoma
- Yucca
- Zaluzianskya
- Zamioculcas
- Zantedeschia
- Zauschneria
- Zexmenia
- Zingiber
- Zinnia
- Ziziphora
- Zucchini
- Zygo Cactus
Plant Series
- 21st Century
- 24/7
- 24/7 Summer Fever
- 4 Luck
- 4D
- 50 Stars & 13 Stripes HB Kit
- A Peel
- ABC 1
- ABC 2
- ABC 3
- ABZ Compact
- ABZ Hanging Basket
- ABZ Large Flowered
- Aaron
- Aazur
- Abbeydore
- Abbotswood
- Abe Lincoln
- Abidjan
- Abies
- Abies Little Gem
- Abies Nidiformis
- Abies North Pole
- Abies Ohlendorfi
- Abilene
- Abiqua Drinking Gourd
- Above and Beyond HB Kit
- Above and Beyond II HB Kit
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abraxas
- Acadia
- Acapulco
- Acapulco Sun HB Kit
- Acapulco XP
- Acaulis
- Accent
- Accent Premium
- Ace Of Spades HB Kit
- Ace of Spades
- Aconcagua
- Acre
- Acropolis
- Act
- Actinophylla
- Aculeata Variegata
- Acuminata
- Acuminatissima
- Acutifolius
- Ada HB Kit
- Adagio
- Adam's Courage
- Adansonii
- Adiantum
- Adiva
- Admiral 1
- Admire
- Adobo
- Adolphe Rousseau
- Adolphii
- Adom 3
- Adonia
- Adonis
- Adora
- Adorable
- Adorned
- Adriana
- Aduro
- Advantage
- Aechmea
- Affinis
- Afganski
- Afra
- African
- African Blue
- African Daisy
- African Iris Bicolor
- African Iris White
- African Night
- African Queen
- African Sky
- African Sun
- African Sunset
- Africana
- After Dark
- After Eight
- Afterglow
- Agavoides
- Age of Gold
- Agincourt Beauty
- Aglow
- Aguilera
- Aideen
- Airbrush
- Airbrush Effect
- Aizoon
- Aji Rico
- Aji Rico F1
- Akila
- Akita
- Alabama
- Alabama Jubilee
- Alabama Sunrise
- Alabama Sunset
- Alachua
- Aladdin's Lamp HB Kit
- Alaina
- Alamo
- Alan's Apricot
- Alaska
- Alaskan
- Alata
- Alba
- Alba Garnet Lotus
- Albicans
- Albiflorus
- Albion
- Albo Marginata
- Albostriata
- Albovariegata
- Album
- Albus
- Alert
- Alertie
- Alexander's Great
- Alexander's White
- Alexander Fleming
- Alexandria
- Algerian
- Alice
- Alice Dupont
- Alice Hoffman
- Alice Springs
- Aliciae
- Alionushka
- Alipina
- Alita
- Alkekengi
- All Gold
- All Mixed Up
- All Seasons
- All Seasons Blend
- All Star
- All Summer Beauty
- All White
- All You Can Eat
- Allegra
- Allegro
- Allen Chickering
- Alliacea
- Allison
- Allison Patricia
- Allure
- Allyson
- Alma Potschke
- Almost Honey
- Alnifolia
- Alocasia
- Aloha
- Aloha Hula
- Aloha Kona
- Aloha Kona Tiki
- Aloha Nani
- Aloha Tiki
- Aloha Volcano
- Alonia
- Alonia Big
- Alopec Hameln Dwarf Fountain Grass
- Alopecuroides
- Alopecuroides Fountain Grass
- Alpha
- Alpina
- Alpine Blue
- Alpine Carpet
- Alpine Water
- Alpinia
- Alpino Early
- Alpinum
- Alpinus
- Alsobia
- Alter Ego F1
- Alternafolia Umbrella
- Alternata
- Aluga
- Alumia
- Aluminum Plant
- Always Afternoon
- Amado
- Amadora
- Amagris
- Amana Orange
- Amanda
- Amanda Marie
- Amante
- Amarillo Gold
- Amaryllifolius
- Amazing
- Amazing Daisies
- Amazing Grace
- Amazing Red
- Amazon
- Amazon Sunset
- Amazonas
- Amazone
- Amazonica
- Ambassador
- Amber
- Amber Moon
- Amber Queen
- Amber Waves
- Ambrosia F1
- Amelia
- AmeriHybrid On Top
- AmeriHybrid Picotee
- AmeriHybrid Ruffled
- American Beautyberry Purple
- American Beautyberry White
- American Dream
- American Flag
- American Gold Rush
- American Goldfinch
- American Halo
- American Maidenhair
- American Pie
- American Rhythm HB Kit
- American Royal
- Americana
- Amethyst
- Amethyst Dream
- Amethyst Dreams HB Kit
- Amethyst In Snow
- Amethyst Kiss
- Amethyst Lips
- Amethyst Myst
- Amigo
- Amigo Marcello
- Amiko
- Amish Paste
- Amistad
- Amoenum
- Amor
- Amore
- Amplexicaulis Blackfield
- Amplexicaulis Bloody Mary
- Amplexicaulis Caliente
- Amplexicaulis Cottesbroke Gold
- Amplexicaulis JS Misty Morning
- Amplexicaulis Keep Smiling
- Amplexicaulis Pink Elephant
- Amplexicaulis Seven Oaks Village
- Amplexicaulis Vibrant Red
- Ampullaria Green
- Amstel
- Amy
- Anaheim
- Anaheim TMR
- Anchor Bay
- Andiamo Yellow Red
- Andrea Atkinson
- Androgynus Katuk
- Angel Bells
- Angel Blush
- Angel Cheeks
- Angel Daisy
- Angel Daisy Double
- Angel Earrings
- Angel Eyes
- Angel Grass
- Angel Wings
- AngelMist Spreading
- Angela
- Angelart
- Angeleyes
- Angelface
- Angelface Cascade
- Angelic
- Angelina
- Angelina Rupestre
- Angelissa
- Angelos
- Angels Perfume
- Angelwing
- Angulata
- Angulata Raydiance
- Anguliger
- Angustifolia
- Angustifolium
- Animation 1
- Anita
- Ann Chowning
- Ann Kulpa
- Annabel
- Annabell
- Annabelle
- Annabelle White
- Anne
- Anne Greenaway
- Anne Marie
- Annet
- Anomale Petiolaris
- Anouk
- Anouk Double
- Anouk Standard
- Antarctic Tree
- Antares
- Antenna
- Anthony Waterer
- Anthos Purple
- Antibes 1
- Antica
- Antigua
- Antioch
- Antiquity
- Antoro Velvet
- Anytime
- Apache
- Apex
- Aphrodite
- Aphrodite F1
- Apiana
- Apoensis
- Apollo
- Appalachian Trail
- Appalachica
- Appeal
- Apple
- Apple Cider
- Apple Crisp
- Apple Mint
- Appleblossom
- Applecourt Crested Japanese Painted
- Appleleossom
- Appletini
- Apricot
- Apricot Delight
- Apricot Gem
- Apricot Queen
- Apricot Sparkles
- Aprodite
- Apus
- Aquamarine
- Aquifolium
- Aquilegifolium
- Arabella
- Arabesque
- Arabian Night
- Arabian Nights HB Kit
- Arabica
- Arachnoideum
- Aramis
- Aramis Double
- Arapaho
- Arbatax
- Arbequina
- Arborescens
- Arborescens Bora
- Arborescens Curly
- Arboricola
- Arbotanum Cola Plant
- Arcadia F1
- Archangel
- Archer's Gold
- Arco
- Arctic Blaze
- Arctic Emerald
- Arctic Fire
- Arctic Fox Rose
- Arctic Frost
- Arctic Snow
- Ardens
- Arena 1
- Arena 2
- Arena 3
- Arena 4
- Aretes
- Aretes Upright
- Argentea Silver Sage
- Argenteus Silver Edge
- Argyreia
- Argyreia Watermelon
- Aria
- Aria Alta
- Ariane
- Ariba Deep Red
- Ariba Yellow Green
- Aristata
- Aristata Akila
- Aristata Ami
- Aristata Snow
- Aristo
- Aristotle
- Aristotle Jimmy's
- Arizona
- Arizonica
- Arkwrightii
- Arlette
- Arluno
- Armada
- Armor
- Aroanium
- Aroma
- Aromance
- Aromatico
- Aron
- Arosa 1
- Arosa 2
- Arosa 3
- Arosa 4
- Arp
- Arrabona
- Arriba
- Arta
- Artemis
- Artichoke
- Artillery
- Artisan Collection
- Artist
- Artist Gogh's Gold
- Artist Monet's Moment
- Artist Paintbox
- Artistotle
- Artwork F1
- Aruba F1
- Arugula
- Asante Sana
- Asao
- Ascot Rainbow
- Ascotiensis
- Asenka 3
- Ashley
- Ashwood Garden Hybrid
- Asian Delight
- Asian Delite
- Asian Garden
- Asian Saber
- Asiatic
- Asiaticum
- Aspabroc F1
- Aspen
- Asperula
- Asperula Seasonal
- Aspire
- Assorted
- Assorted Premium
- Assorted Purple
- Assorted Rose
- Assorted Standard
- Assortment
- Astary
- Asterick
- Asti
- Astra
- Astro
- Astroid
- At Capacity HB Kit
- At Last
- Athena
- Athene
- Athens
- Athyrium
- Atlanta
- Atlantis
- Atlantis Mix
- Atlas
- Atom
- Atomic
- Atomic F1
- Aton
- Atriplicifolia
- Atropurpurea Bronze Dutch
- Atropurpureum
- Attar of Rose
- Attenuata
- Attenuata Green
- Aubertii Silver Lace Vine
- Aubrey
- Auburn
- Aucubaefolia
- Audray
- Audrey
- August Beauty
- August Light
- August Moon
- Augusta Duelberg
- Augusta Lavender
- Aunt Gertie's Gold
- Aunt Ruby's German Green
- Auntie Jinks
- Auntie Lilli's
- Aurantiacus
- Aurea
- Aurea Cuban Gold
- Aurea Verna
- Aureola
- Aureomarginata
- Aureomarginatus
- Aureum
- Aureum Gold
- Aureum Happy Leaf
- Aureum Jade
- Aureum Variegata
- Auricilata Nana
- Auriculata Nana
- Aurora
- Austin Pretty Limits
- Austral Gem
- Australia
- Australian
- Australis
- Australis Blue False Indigo
- Australis Caspian Blue
- Austriaca
- Autumn
- Autumn Bee Attraction
- Autumn Breeze HB Kit
- Autumn Bride
- Autumn Charm
- Autumn Colors
- Autumn Dwarf
- Autumn Fire
- Autumn Frost F1
- Autumn Glow
- Autumn Gold
- Autumn Joy
- Autumn Leaves
- Autumn Sapphire
- Autumn Snow
- Autumn Spice Igloo
- Autumn Spice Mix
- Autumn Sunset
- Autumnale Trailing
- Autumnalis
- Avalanche
- Avalon HB Kit
- Avante Garde
- Avanti
- Avatar
- Avida
- Avignon
- Avignon 2
- Avocado
- Axcent
- Axilaris
- Axillaris
- Ayers Rock
- Azadi
- Azlanii
- Aztec
- Azul Blues
- Azumi XL
- Azure Fairy
- Azure Rush
- Azure Star
- Azureum
- BC1611
- BFB1018
- BFB1058 Blush
- BFB1071
- BFB1080 Pink Lady
- BFB1145 Crystal Clear
- BFB1170 Maroon Vein
- BFB1194 Buzzworthy Yellow
- BFB1196 Red Star
- BFB1236 Violet Ruffles
- BFB1239 Miracle Pink
- BFB1300 Susanna Snow
- BFB1327 Tiny Dancer
- BFB716
- BFB802
- BFB807
- BFB831
- BFB902
- BFB963
- BK Collection
- Babaco
- Babette
- Baby
- Baby Bloomer
- Baby Blue
- Baby Butterfly
- Baby Buzz
- Baby Cakes
- Baby Doll
- Baby Elizabeth
- Baby Face
- Baby Hope
- Baby Jade
- Baby Joe
- Baby Kim
- Baby Lace
- Baby Leaf
- Baby Moses
- Baby Senetti
- Baby Sun
- Baby Tears
- Baby Tut
- Babycakes
- Babylon
- Babywing
- Bacchanal
- Baccilera Baccifera
- Bad Hair Day
- Bada Bing
- Bada Boom
- Baginda Dragon Scale
- Baginda Silver Dragon
- Bahama Beach HB Kit
- Bahia
- Bahsfull
- Baileyi
- Bakabana
- Baked Potato (Common)
- Bakeri
- Baladin
- Balance
- Balckberry Merlot
- Balcon
- Balcon Mimi's Variegated
- Balcony Queen
- Bali
- Ball
- Ballad
- Ballerina
- Ballerina Mix
- Balmy
- Baltic
- Baltic Blue
- Bam Bam
- Bambi
- Bambini
- Bambino
- Bambino Curly
- Banana
- Banana Kid
- Banana Mint
- Banana Split
- Banana Supreme
- Bandana
- Bandana Landscape
- Bandera
- Bandito
- Bandolero
- Bandolista
- Bandwidth
- Banquet
- Bantam
- Baoli
- Barba Green
- Barbara
- Barbara Ann
- Barbara Harrington
- Barbara Jackman
- Barbara Karst Red
- Barbara Mitchell
- Barbara Tingey
- Barbarella
- Barbarini
- Barbary Corsair
- Barbatus
- Barbatus Scarlet
- Barbecue
- Barbican
- Barca
- Barcelona
- Barista
- Barkos
- Barkos Collection
- Barlow
- Barnes Male
- Baron
- Baron Poblano
- Barona
- Barranca
- Bartzella
- Bases Loaded Blue Star
- Bashfull
- Basil
- Basil Mint
- Basjoo
- Basket Grass
- Basket of Fire
- Batesiana
- Batface
- Bath's Pink
- Batik
- Battlecombei
- Bavaria
- Bavaria Blue
- Baya
- Bayberry HB Kit
- Bayonet
- Be My
- Be My Honey
- Beach Blanket Bingo HB Kit
- Beach Boy
- Beach Bum Blue
- Beach House Mix
- Beach Sunset HB Kit
- Beachside Drive HB Kit
- Beacon
- Beacon Rose
- Beacon Silver
- Beale Street
- Bealei
- Beam of Light HB Kit
- Bear Paws
- Beatrice
- Beats
- Beaty Secrety
- Beaugonia
- Beaujolais
- Beauties
- Beauties Kahori
- Beautiful Wood
- Beauty
- Beauty Homeland
- Beauty Star
- Beauty of Livermere
- Beauty of Livermore
- Beauty of Moscow
- Beautyberry
- Beauvilia
- Beccarii
- Becky
- Becky's Blue & White
- Beda
- Bedazzled
- Beddarii
- Bee's Bliss
- Bee's Knees
- Bee Alive
- Bee Balm
- Bee Bold
- Bee Happy Orange
- Bee Happy Red
- Bee Meadow
- Bee Mine
- Bee White Imp
- Bee You
- BeeBright
- BeeZee
- Beebop
- Beedance
- Beefmaster
- Beefsteak
- Beehive
- Beelicious
- Bees Jubilee
- Beezar
- Beharensis
- Behartii
- Beijing
- Beira
- Bela
- Bela Lugosi
- Belarina
- Belcanto
- Bele of India
- Belgium Giant
- Belgravia
- Believe in Fairies HB Kit
- Believer Purple
- Belinda's Find
- Belize
- Belize Double
- Bell Bank
- Bell Vine
- Bella
- Bella Compact
- Bella Grande
- Bella Rosa F1
- BellaDaisy
- Belladonna
- Bellamosum
- Bellatrix F1
- Belle Ambition HB Kit
- Belle Blue
- Belle Starr
- Belle de Woking
- Belleconia
- Belleza
- Bellii
- Bellina Pink
- Bellini
- Bellinto
- Bellisima
- Bellissa
- Bellissimo
- Belmona
- Belove
- Belove Cherry
- Beltran
- Ben Fhada
- Ben Hope
- Ben Ledi
- Ben Venuto
- Benary's Giant
- Benary's Princess
- Benefine
- Bengal
- Bengal Tiger
- Beni Kaze
- Benimusume
- Benisser
- Benitsukasa
- Benny's Gold
- Berggarten
- Berkeley Pink Tie Dye
- Berlin Blue
- Berliner Kleene
- Bermuda Skies HB Kit
- Bermuda Sun HB Kit
- Bernadine
- Berri Basket
- BerriBasket
- Berries & Cream
- Berries Galore
- Berries Hill
- Berry
- Berry Allusion
- Berry Canary
- BerryBux
- Berrylicious HB Kit
- Berseba
- Bert
- Bertha
- Bertram Anderson
- Best Boy Bush F1
- Best Friend HB Kit
- Best Friends Forever
- Best Friends Imp Mix
- Best Friends Mix
- Best Sellers Assorted Imp
- Best Sellers Assortment
- Best Sellers Assortment Imp
- Beth's Blue
- Beth's Fairy Dust
- Bethany
- Betsy
- Betsy Ross
- Better Belle
- Better Belle IV
- Better Belle IV F1
- Better Boy
- Better Boy F1
- Better Boy Plus F1
- Better Bush F1
- Better Bush Improved
- Betterbuzz
- Bettina
- Betty
- Betty Bowring
- Bettylen
- Bev Jensen
- Bevan's Variety
- Beverly
- Bewitched
- Beyond
- Beyond Blue
- Beyond Gold
- Beyond Midnight
- Bicapsularis
- Bicentennial
- Bicolor
- Bicolor Camilla
- Bicolor Maidenhair
- Bicolor Red Heart
- Bicolor Red Queen
- Bicolor Snow
- Bicolor Sunshine
- Bidy
- Bidy Boom
- Biedermeier Mix
- Bifidus
- Big
- Big Band
- Big Bang
- Big Beauty
- Big Beef
- Big Beef F1
- Big Beef Plus F1
- Big Ben
- Big Bertha F1
- Big Bloom
- Big Blue
- Big Boy F1
- Big Cigar
- Big Daddy
- Big Deal
- Big EEZE
- Big Falls
- Big Kahuna
- Big Kiss
- Big Leaf
- Big League F1
- Big Lilac
- Big Rainbow
- Big Red Bird
- Big Smile
- Big Surprise
- Big Time
- Big Time Happy
- Big Top
- Big Twister
- Biggie Chile
- Bigsam
- Bijou
- Billietiae
- Biloxi Blue
- Biltmore F1
- Bingo
- Biokovo
- Bionic
- Bipinnatifida
- Birch Hybrid
- Birds Nest
- Birgit
- Birkin
- Birthday Bash
- Birthday Party
- Biscayne F1
- Biserrata Schott
- Bishop
- Bishop's Form
- Bistro Salad Blend
- Bit O' Gold F1
- Bit of Honey
- Black
- Black 'n White
- Black & Bloom
- Black & Blue
- Black Adder
- Black Beard
- Black Beauty
- Black Bell II
- Black Cardinal
- Black Cherry
- Black Cherry F1
- Black Dragon
- Black Eyed Angels
- Black Eyed Stella
- Black Eyed Susan
- Black Eyed Susan Vine
- Black Foot Daisy
- Black Forest Cake
- Black Gamecock
- Black Gold
- Black Heart
- Black Hero
- Black Jade Hahnii
- Black Knight
- Black Krim
- Black Lace
- Black Magic
- Black Negligee
- Black Night
- Black Olive
- Black Pagoda
- Black Pantha
- Black Pearl
- Black Pepper
- Black Pompom
- Black Prince
- Black Rabbit's Foot
- Black Ripple
- Black Ruffles
- Black Satin
- Black Scallop
- Black Sea
- Black Seeded Simpson
- Black Spleenwort
- Black Stockings
- Black Swan
- Black Taffeta
- Black Tower
- Black Velvet
- Black Widow
- Black Zucchini
- Blackbeard
- Blackberry Ripple
- Blackberry Sparkler
- Blackberry Wine
- Blackcurrant
- Blackest Night HB Kit
- Blackhawks
- Blackie
- Blacknight
- Blackout
- Blackthorne
- Blacky
- Blacky Upright
- Blanc du Bois
- Blanket
- Blanket Double
- Blaumeise
- Blaumeise Blue
- Blaumeise Pink
- Blaze
- Blaze Away
- Blazin
- Blazing
- Blazing Glory
- Blazing Saddles
- Blazing Skye (Monrovia Excl)
- Blazing Sunset
- Bleeding Heart
- Bleeding Heart Red
- Bleeding Heart White
- Bleeding Hearts
- Blessing
- Blind Love HB Kit
- Bling
- Blitz
- Blizzard
- Block Party HB Kit
- Blockbuster
- Blonde
- Blonde Ambition
- Blood Red
- Bloodleaf
- Bloodmaria
- Bloody Mary
- Bloom Champion
- Bloom Moon HB Kit
- Bloombux
- Bloomerang
- Bloomify
- Bloomingdale II
- Bloomsdale
- Bloomsdale Longstanding
- Bloomtastic
- Blossom Of Snow
- Blue
- Blue Angel
- Blue Arrow
- Blue Autumn
- Blue Bayou
- Blue Bell
- Blue Bird
- Blue Boa
- Blue Bonnets
- Blue Bouquetta
- Blue Boy
- Blue Brazil
- Blue Breeze
- Blue Brilliance
- Blue Buccaneers
- Blue Burrito
- Blue Butterfly
- Blue By You
- Blue Cadet
- Blue Carpet
- Blue Chateau
- Blue Chiffon
- Blue Chill
- Blue Climador
- Blue Cloud
- Blue Crown
- Blue Cushion
- Blue Custer
- Blue Danube
- Blue Dart
- Blue Daze
- Blue Deep Star
- Blue Diamond
- Blue Donna
- Blue Dragon
- Blue Dune
- Blue Dwarf
- Blue Elf
- Blue Ensign
- Blue Eyed Beauty
- Blue Eyes
- Blue Eyes Trailing
- Blue Fan
- Blue Field
- Blue Flower
- Blue Fortune
- Blue Fountain
- Blue Fox
- Blue Giant
- Blue Glitter
- Blue Glory
- Blue Glow
- Blue Haze
- Blue Heaven
- Blue Heron
- Blue Hibiscus
- Blue Hill
- Blue Hobbit
- Blue Horizon
- Blue Ice
- Blue Ivory
- Blue Jacket
- Blue Java
- Blue Jean Baby
- Blue Jeanne
- Blue Jeans
- Blue Knight
- Blue Lace
- Blue Lagoon
- Blue Light
- Blue Magic
- Blue Marvel
- Blue Memory
- Blue Minima
- Blue Mirage
- Blue Mirror
- Blue Moon
- Blue Mound
- Blue Mouse Ears
- Blue My Mind
- Blue My Mind XL
- Blue Note
- Blue Pacific
- Blue Paradise
- Blue Pearl
- Blue Prelude
- Blue Prince
- Blue Princess
- Blue Ribbon
- Blue Ribbons
- Blue Ridge
- Blue Sentry
- Blue Spear
- Blue Speed
- Blue Spire
- Blue Spires
- Blue Springs
- Blue Sprite
- Blue Spruce
- Blue Star
- Blue Star Creeper
- Blue Steel
- Blue Stilton
- Blue Stocking
- Blue Sunshine
- Blue Vantage
- Blue Violet
- Blue Vision
- Blue Waterfall
- Blue Wave
- Blue Whirl
- Blue Whiskers
- Blue Wings
- Blue Wonder
- Blue Zephyr
- Blue Zinger
- Blueberry Ice
- Blueberry Muffin
- Bluebird
- Blues
- Bluesette
- Bluesette Compact
- Bluetopia
- Blush Queen
- Blushing Princess
- Blushing Star F1
- Blushing Susie
- Blushing Turtle
- Blut
- Blutini
- Boa
- Bob Allusion
- Bobazam Mr.Bowling Ball
- Bobcat
- Bobcat F1
- Bobo
- Bodacious
- Boeil
- Boekari Hookerii
- Bold & Beautiful HB Kit
- Bold Allusion
- Bolero
- Bolero Bicolore
- Bolivian Sunset
- Bombay
- Bombay Compact
- Bombshell
- Bon Bon
- Bonanza
- Bonariensis
- Bonariensis Cloud
- Bonariensis Purple Haze
- Bonariensis Vanity
- Bondi
- Bonesta
- Bonfire
- Bonfire Mix
- Bonita
- Bonneli
- Bonnie
- Bonnie Gold
- Bonsai
- Boom Boom White
- Boom Chocolatta
- Boracha
- Borage
- Borchii Sport
- Bordeau
- Bordeaux
- Border Ballet
- Border Charm
- Borealis
- Borias
- Borinda Angustissima
- Born to Run
- Borneo King
- Boskoop Ruby
- Bossa Nova
- Boston
- Boston Ivy
- Botanical Bouquet HB Kit
- Bottle Rocket
- Bottle Rockets Mix
- Boulder Blue
- Boule
- Boulevard
- Bounce
- Bouquet
- Bouquet Yellow
- Bourbon
- Bowl of Beauty
- Bowl of Cream
- Bowler
- Bowles Black
- Bowles Golden
- Bowles Mauve
- Bowles Me Away
- Boxcar Willie
- Boxwood
- Boyne
- Boysenberry
- Brachytricha
- Bracteosum
- Brainiac
- Brancifolia
- Branco
- Brandon
- Brandy Bright Pink Light GL
- Brandy Man
- Brandywine
- Brandywine Red
- Brandywine Sunset
- Brasco
- Brasil
- Brass Lantern
- Braun Hertz
- Braunii
- Brautschleier
- Bravado
- Braveheart F1
- Bravo
- Brazen
- Brazilian
- Brazilian Petunia
- Brazilian Red Hots
- Brazilian Tree
- Break of Day HB Kit
- Breathless Blush
- Breathless White
- Breathtaking HB Kit
- Breen
- Breeze Sandy Yellow
- Breeze Scarlet
- Breeze Sunset Orange
- Bressingham
- Bressingham Beauty
- Bressingham Blue
- Bressingham Glow
- Bressingham Hybrids
- Bressingham Pink
- Bressingham Purple
- Brevifolia
- Brevirimosa
- Brice F1
- Brick Road HB Kit
- Bridal
- Bridal Memories
- Bridal Veil
- Bride's Cascade
- Bridges
- Bridget Chloe
- Bright & Breezy
- Bright Allusion
- Bright Bikini Mix
- Bright Edge
- Bright Eyes
- Bright Future
- Bright Gold Glow
- Bright Ideas
- Bright Lights
- Bright Pink
- Bright Rose
- Bright Sparks
- Bright Star
- Bright Sunset
- Brightlight
- Brightside
- Brilliance Autumn
- Brilliant
- Brilliant Else Maidenhair
- Brilliant Igloo
- Brilliant Red
- Brilliantissima
- Brim Cup
- Brise D' Anjou
- Bristol Fairy
- Britney
- Britt Marie Crawford
- Brittle Maidenhair-Fan Maidenhair
- Britton Perilla Frutescens
- Broad Band
- Broad Holly
- Broad Leaf Red
- Brocade
- Broccoli
- Bronco
- Bronze
- Bronze Beauty
- Bronze Carpet
- Bronze Curls
- Bronze Peacock
- Bronze Venus
- Brookside
- Brother Stefan
- Brown
- Brown Bud
- Brown Forest
- Brown Rose
- Brownii
- Brunello
- Brunswick
- Bruschetta
- Brushmark Galthie
- Brussel Sprouts
- Bubble Bath
- Bubblegum Candles
- Bubblegum Candles Verspi
- Bubbles
- Bubblicious
- Buchannaii
- Bucii Pinnata
- Buck
- Buckeye Belle
- Buckle Up! HB Kit
- Bud's Yellow
- Buddha's Temple
- Buddy
- Buddy Blue
- Buenos Aires
- Buffalo
- Buffalosteak
- Bug Bat
- Bull's Blood
- Bullseye
- Bumble
- Bumble Bee
- Bunching
- Bunching Green Banner
- Bundle of Joy HB Kit
- Bunny Blue
- Bunny Blue Hobb
- Bunny Tails
- Burchelli
- Burfordii Dwarf
- Burgundy
- Burgundy Blast
- Burgundy Bunny
- Burgundy Glow
- Burgundy Pearl
- Burgundy Red
- Burgundy Sun
- Burgundy Threadleaf
- Burgundy Wedding Train
- Burle Marx
- Burle Marxii
- Burle Marxii Amagris
- Burley
- Burning Hearts
- Burning Love
- Burpee Big Boy
- Burpee Hybrid PMT F1
- Burpless
- Burrito
- Bush
- Bush Allamanda
- Bush Champion
- Bush Champion II
- Bush Early Girl
- Bushman
- Butter & Sugar
- Butter Scotch
- Butterbaby
- Butterbaby F1
- Buttercrunch
- Buttercrunch Butterhead
- Buttercup
- Buttered Popcorn
- Buttered Rum
- Butterfly
- Butterfly Alert Mix
- Butterfly Blue
- Butterfly Gold
- Butterfly Hybrid Mix
- Butterfly Mix
- Butterfly Vine
- Butterfly White
- Buttermilk
- Butterscotch
- Buttery Dragon
- Button
- Buxifolia
- Buxton Blue
- Buzz
- Byzantina
- Byzantina Lamb's Ear
- Cabaret
- Caborn Wine and Roses
- Cabrio
- Cactus
- Caddo
- Cadence 2
- Cadierie
- Caerulea
- Caerulea Blue Moor Grass
- Caerulea Plena
- Caesar Violet 1
- Caesar Violet 3
- Caesars Palace
- Cafe' au Lait
- Caipirinha
- Cajun Belle F1
- Cajun Fire
- Cake Pops
- Calamintha
- Calamintha Marvelette Blue
- Calcareum
- Caldera
- Caledonia HB Kit
- Caleidoscope
- Calgary
- Calgary Carpet
- Calibasket
- Caliburst
- Calico
- Calico Delight
- Calico Kitten
- Calidora
- Caliente
- California
- California Gold
- California Queen
- California Sunset
- California Upright Sword
- California Wonder
- Californica
- Californica Canyon Grey
- Calima 2,3
- Calima 3
- Calima 3,4
- Calima 4
- Calipetite
- Calitastic
- Callafornia
- Callie
- Callies Memory
- Calliope Cascade
- Calliope Large
- Calliope Medium
- Callista
- Calycinoides
- Calycinum
- Calycosa
- Calynopsis
- Calypso
- Calypso Jumbo
- Cambodiana
- Cambridge
- Camelot
- Cameo
- Cameron
- Camilla
- Camille
- Camina
- Camouflage
- Campagne Improved
- Campana
- Campanella
- Campfire
- Campfire Glow
- Campii
- Campino
- Campsis Radicans Flava Yellow
- Can Can
- Cana
- Canadale Gold
- Canadensis
- Canadian
- Canariensis
- Canaries
- Canaries Yellow Imp
- Canary Brilliants
- Canary Feathers
- Cancun
- Candela
- Candid Charm F1
- Candida
- Candidum
- Candidum Jr.
- Candle
- Candle Glow
- Candle Light
- Candle Stick Variegated
- Candle Vine
- Candles
- Candy
- Candy Apple Red
- Candy Art
- Candy Berry
- Candy Cane Chocolate Cherry F1
- Candy Cane F1
- Candy Corn
- Candy Corn Vine
- Candy Flowers
- Candy Hearts
- Candy Kisses
- Candy Lil
- Candy Mountain
- Candy Prince
- Candy Shop
- Candy Showers
- Candy Sticks
- Candy Store
- Candy Stripe
- Candy Swirl
- Candy Tops
- Candyland
- Candyland Red F1
- CannaSol Happy
- CannaSun
- Cannes
- Cannes 2,3
- Canneto
- Cannonball
- Cannova
- Cantabrigense Intense
- Cantabrigense Karmina
- Cantabrigense St. Ola
- Cante
- Cantor
- Canum Calistoga
- Canum Marin Pink
- Canum Schieffelin's Choice
- Canum Sierra Salmon
- Canum Summer Snow
- Canyon Duet
- Cape Blanco
- Cape Cod
- Cape Mallow
- Cape Sebastian
- Cape Town
- Cape Town Blue
- Capella
- Capensis
- Capensis Alba
- Capensis Blue
- Capillaris
- Capilliformis
- Capistrano
- Capitan
- Capitatus
- Capitella Ben
- Capitella Campfire
- Capitella Thyrsiflora
- Capitola
- Cappuccino
- Captain
- Captain Jessop
- Captain Kirk
- Cara Mia
- Caradonna
- Carafe
- Caramel
- Caramia
- Caraway
- Cardaba
- Cardinal Wyszynski
- Cardinalis
- Cardinalis Green Native
- Caribbean Blue
- Caribbean Habanero
- Cariboo
- Carica
- Carice 3
- Carillo
- Carillon
- Carinatum Pulchellum
- Carino
- Carita
- Carita Cascade
- Carl
- Carlos
- Carlton
- Carmel
- Carmel Blue
- Carmel Creeper
- Carmello F1
- Carmen
- Carmen's Gray
- Carmen F1
- Carmencita
- Carmine Bells
- Carmine Brilliant
- Carnaby
- Carneval
- Carnicolor
- Carnival
- Carol Ann
- Carol Jean
- Carolina
- Carolina Big Bloom
- Carolina Gold F1
- Carolina Pink Shades
- Carolina Reaper
- Caroline
- Caroliniana Hot Pink
- Carolyn Whorton
- Carolyns Hope
- Carousel
- Carpatica
- Carpet
- Cartwheel
- Caruba Black
- Carvi
- Casa Blanca
- Casablanca
- Casanova
- Cascade
- Cascadias
- Cascata Lemonade
- Cashero
- Casper
- Caspian
- Caspian Pink
- Cassa Blue
- Cassian
- Cassis
- Castello
- Castello Paivae Variegata
- Castelo Branco
- Castilliano 2.0
- Castle
- Castle Dome F1
- Cat's Meow
- Cat's Pajamas
- Cat Claw
- Cat Wiskers
- Catalina
- Cataria
- Catawba
- Catching Fire
- Caterpillar
- Catharina
- Cathedral
- Cathedral Pink
- Cathedral Windows
- Catherine De la Mare
- Catherine Woodbury
- Catlin's Giant
- Catmint
- Catnip
- Cats
- Catwalk
- Caucasica
- Caucasica Variegata
- Caucasicum
- Cauliflower
- Cauticola
- Cauticolum
- Cavatine
- Cayenne
- Cayenne Large Red
- Cayenne Long Red
- Cayenne Long Slim
- Cayenne Long Thin
- Cayenne Red
- Cayennetta F1
- Ceasar's Brother
- Cecile
- Cedro F1
- Celano
- Celebrate
- Celebration
- Celebrich 2
- Celebrity
- Celebrity F1
- Celebrity Plus F1
- Celery
- Celestial
- Celestial Blue
- Celia Smedley
- Celway
- Centennial
- Centennial Blush
- Century
- Cephalophorus
- Cerastioides
- Ceratostigma
- Cereuscula
- Cerifera
- Cerise Charm
- Cerise Queen
- Cernua
- Cernua Select
- Cernuum Nodding Onion
- Cernuus Fiber Optic Grass
- Cerveza 'n Lime
- Cervia Butter
- Cesaro
- Cespitosa
- Cespitosa Pixie Fountain
- Cessna 3
- Cessna 4
- Cha Cha
- Chaidee
- Chalcedonica
- Chalepensis Barry
- Chamaecyparissus
- Chamaedryoides
- Chamaedrys
- Chameleon
- Chamisal Iceberg
- Champagne
- Champagne Bubbles
- Champagne Roses
- Champion
- Champion's Birds Nest
- Champion's Wood
- Champion II
- Champion Pro
- Champions Bird's Nest
- Chandelier Tree
- Chandler
- Changeling
- Changing Times
- Changling
- Chanterii
- Chantille Lace
- Chantilly 1
- Chantilly 1,2
- Chantrieri
- Chaotic Rose
- Chapel Hill
- Chardonnay F1
- Charger Anaheim
- Charisma
- Charity
- Charles Joly
- Charles Star
- Charleston
- Charlie Boy
- Charlotte
- Charm
- Charm Pink
- Charm Red
- Charmaine
- Charmant F1
- Charmed
- Charming Beauty
- Charolensis
- Chartreuse
- Chartreuse on the Loose
- Chater's Double
- Chattahoochee
- Checkerboard Upright
- Cheddar
- Chedi
- Cheer Blue
- Cheerful
- Cheerful Mid Season
- Cheers
- Chelsey
- Chementine
- Chemlali
- Chendo
- Chequers
- Cherio
- Cherokee
- Cherokee Carbon
- Cherokee Green
- Cherokee Purple
- Cherokee Sunset
- Cherokeensis
- Cherries Jubilee
- Cherry
- Cherry Bells
- Cherry Blossom
- Cherry Bomb
- Cherry Brandy
- Cherry Bubbles
- Cherry Cheesecake
- Cherry Cola
- Cherry Cordial
- Cherry Cream
- Cherry Crush
- Cherry Fizz
- Cherry Large
- Cherry Lips
- Cherry Red
- Cherry Sensation
- Cherry Skullcap
- Cherry Sparkler
- Cherry Sparks
- Cherry Truffle
- Cherryade
- Cherrysalis
- Cherub
- Chervil
- Cheryl
- Chester
- Chestor
- Cheyenne F1
- Cheyenne Spirit
- Chi Chi
- Chianti F1
- Chiapensis
- Chiba
- Chica
- Chicago Apache
- Chicago Lustre
- Chick Charms
- Chick Charms 3.0 Mix
- Chick Charms Gem Mix
- Chick Charms Gold Nugget
- Chick Charms Mix
- Chick Charms Sweetheart Mix
- Chicken Gizzard
- Chicks Mix
- Chico
- Chief
- Chief Kubo's Prize
- Chiffon Allusion
- Chiffon Apricot
- Chiffon Rose
- Chilepin
- Chili Limon
- Chill Out
- Chilly Chili
- Chiloensis
- Chim Chiminee
- Chimacum Davi
- China Express
- China Gold F1
- China King F1
- Chinensis
- Chinensis Pumila
- Chinese Hat
- Chinese Holly
- Chinese Keys
- Chinese Lantern
- Chinese Merlot
- Chinese Rubicon
- Chinesis
- Chioggia Guardsmark
- Chippewa Hotel
- Chives
- Chivette
- Chloe
- Chlorosticta
- Chocamocha
- Choco Line
- Choco Sun
- Chocolar Beauty
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Ball
- Chocolate Cherry
- Chocolate Chip
- Chocolate Daisy
- Chocolate Drop
- Chocolate Flower
- Chocolate Ganache
- Chocolate Mint
- Chocolate Orange
- Chocolate Queen
- Chocolate Ruffles
- Chocolate Shogun
- Chocolate Sprinkles F1
- Chocolate Star
- Chocolate Truffle
- Chocolate Vine
- Choctaw
- Chollipo
- Christmas
- Christmas Carol
- Christmas Is
- Christmas Tree
- Christopher Lloyd
- Chroma
- Chrysantha
- Chrysophylla
- Chubbs
- Chuck Hayes
- Churro
- Chusquea Gigantea
- Cielo
- Cielo Verde Loose Leaf
- Cigar
- Cigar Orange
- Cilantro
- Cilatus Lemon Twist
- Cilatus Variegated
- Ciliata
- Cinderella
- Cinerea
- Cinerea Silver Dollar
- Cinnabar
- Cinnamon
- Cinnamon Girl
- Cipriani
- Cirrus
- Citizen Cane Pink
- Citridora
- Citrine
- Citriodora
- Citriodorum
- Citriodorus
- Citriodorus GrowFlow Lemonade
- Citriodorus Variegated
- Citrona
- Citronella
- Citronella Lemona
- Citronelle
- Citrosum
- Citrus 2023
- Citrus Mix
- Citrus Morn
- Citrus Shock
- Citrus Twist
- City Garden
- City Lights
- City of Portland
- Claire de Lune
- Clara
- Claret Cup
- Clarie de Lune
- Clarinervium
- Class Act
- Classic
- Classic F1
- Claudette
- Claudia
- Clavata
- Clear Crystals
- Clear Morning
- Clementine
- Clemson Spineless
- Cleo Patio
- Cleopatra
- Clifford Moor
- Clinopodiodes
- Clio
- Clips
- Clockwise
- Clockwise Compact
- Cloud Nine
- Cloud Walker
- Cloudburst
- Clusifolia Ginny
- Clusifolia Red Margin
- Cneorum
- Coarctata
- Coastal Holly
- Cobalt Dreams
- Cobalt Millenium
- Cobalt Star
- Cobweb
- Coccinea
- Coccinea Campfire
- Coccineum
- Coccineus
- Cocktail
- Cocktails
- Coco
- Cocoa F1
- Coconut
- Coed
- Coffee Compacta
- Coffee Cups
- Coho
- Cola Cola
- Coldasil
- Coleoides Variegated
- Coleosaurus Imp
- Colibri
- Colibri Double
- Colissima
- Collection
- Colocasia
- Colocha
- Color Coded
- Color Flash
- Color Flash Lime
- Color Grass
- Color Guard
- Color Spires
- Color Statement
- Color Up
- ColorBlast
- ColorBlast Double
- ColorGrass
- ColorMax
- ColorPop
- ColorPower
- ColorRockz
- ColorRush
- Colorado
- Colorado 2
- Colorado Gold
- Coloratus
- Colorblaze
- Colorbloom
- Colorburst
- Colored Hulk
- Colorful Mix
- Colorita
- Colorscape
- Colorwheel
- Colossus
- Columbia Giant
- Columbia Star
- Columbine
- Columella
- Column
- Columnar
- Columnaris Red
- Columnifera Red
- Columnifera Yellow
- Comans Frosted Curls
- Combat
- Combo Celebration
- Combo M
- Comet
- Commander Hay
- Common
- Common (Officinalis)
- Common Green
- Common Persimmon
- Common Polypody
- Common Rue
- Communis Microphylla
- Como
- Comosum
- Comp Half Pint
- Compact
- Compact Autumn
- Compact Blue
- Compact Double Apricot
- Compact Katie
- Compact Orange
- Compact Pink
- Compact Purple
- Compact Red
- Compact Rose
- Compact Star
- Compact White
- Compacta
- Compacta Hendersonii
- Compacto
- Compactum
- Compactus
- Compadre F1
- Compatto
- Compindi
- Complexa
- Compressa
- Compressicaulis
- Comtesse De Bouchard
- Conaco
- Conca
- Concertina
- Concha
- Conchifolia Bull's Eye
- Concolor
- Concolor Lace
- Concord Blue
- Concord Grape
- Condor
- Conella
- Cone-fections
- Confederate
- Confetti
- Confetti Compact
- Confetti Duo
- Confetti Garden
- Confetti Garden Aloha
- Confetti Garden Aloha Kona
- Confetti Garden Trio
- Confetti Trio
- Confetti Trio Mainstreet
- Confetti Trio Safari
- Confetti Trio Tone on Tone
- Confetti Trio Yolo Glossy
- Confidant
- Confusum
- Conga
- Conga Line
- Congestiflora
- Congestum Yellow
- Congo
- Constant
- Constant Beauty
- Constant Beauty Crush
- Constant Cadence
- Constant Cheer
- Constant Promise
- Contiga
- Conversation Piece
- Cookin'
- Cool
- Cool 1
- Cool Blue
- Cool Igloo
- Cool Night Mix
- Cool Wave
- Cool Waveleunshine and White
- Cool as Ice
- Cooperi
- Coopers
- Copa
- Copacabana
- Copenhagen
- Copenhagen Market
- Copper Canyon
- Copper Coin
- Copper Kettle
- Copper King
- Copper Prince
- Copper Spoons
- Copperhead
- Copperton
- Coppertone
- Cora
- Cora Cascade XDR
- Cora Classic
- Cora Louise
- Cora XDR
- Corabells
- Coral
- Coral Baby
- Coral Beauty
- Coral Canyon
- Coral Cape Honeysuckle
- Coral Carpet
- Coral Charm
- Coral Forest
- Coral Fountain
- Coral Glow
- Coral Honeysuckle
- Coral Magic
- Coral Nymph
- Coral Petite
- Coral Prince
- Coral Queen
- Coral Reef
- Coral Sea
- Coral Star
- Coral Sunset
- Coral Vine
- Coratina
- Corazon
- Cordatum
- Cordials
- Cordiflora
- Cordifolia
- Corditas
- Cordylena
- Corelli 2
- Corelli 3
- Corelli Sugoi 2
- Corelli Sugoi 3
- Corgy
- Coriander
- Corina
- Corine
- Corinne
- Corky Stem
- Cornel
- Cornuta
- Cornutum
- Coronado
- Coronans
- Coronaria
- Coronation Gold
- Coronet
- Corono Di Toro
- Corsican
- Corsican Violet
- Corvus
- Corymbosum
- Corymbulosa Shark's Tooth
- Cosmic
- Cosmic Flare
- Cosmo
- Cosmopolitan
- Costa
- Costa Rica
- Cottage
- Cottage Canyon
- Cottage Sun
- Cotton Candy
- Cougar
- Count Pulaski
- Country Park
- Country and Western
- Countryside
- Courier
- Courtyard Climber
- Courtyard Climber Patio
- Covent Garden White
- Cover Girl
- Cracked Ice
- Cracklin' Rosie
- Crackling Rosie
- Cranberry
- Cranberry Baby
- Cranberry Isles
- Cranberry Punch
- Cranberry Salad
- Cranberry Star
- Crane
- Crane Feathered
- Crane Ruffle
- Crassifolium Compacta
- Crassillimus
- Crassissimus
- Crayon
- Crazy Blue
- Crazy Daisy
- Crazy Fortune
- Crazytunia
- Cream
- Cream Allusion
- Cream Perfection
- Cream Puff
- Creeping
- Creeping Charlie
- Creeping Pink
- Creeping Shield
- Creeping Wire Vine
- Creeping Wire Vine Small Leaf
- Creme Belle
- Creme Brule
- Creme Brulee
- Creme Caramel
- Creme de Cassis
- Crenatum
- Crenulata
- Crescendo
- Cresta
- Crested Brazilian Tree
- Crested Hart's Tongue
- Crested Japanese Bird's Nest
- Crested Japanese Painted
- Crested Lady
- Cretan Brake
- Crimson
- Crimson Beauty
- Crimson Butterflies
- Crimson Fire
- Crimson King
- Crimson Pirate
- Crimson Red
- Crimson Star
- Crimson Velvet
- Crimson and Ivy
- Crispa
- Crispa Cristata
- Crispino
- Cristata The King Male
- Cristatus
- Crocata
- Crocodyllus
- Crocus Star
- Croma 2
- Croma 3
- Croma 4
- Crown
- Crown Giverny
- Crown of Pharaoh
- Cruciform Lady
- Cruizin
- Crusader F1
- Crush's Secret
- Crushed Grape
- Crushed Pineapple
- Cruze Control
- Cruze Control Arizona Sky
- Cruze Control Hawaiian Luau
- Cruze Control Key West Shore
- Cruze Control Luscious
- Cruze Control Malibu Sunset
- Cruze Control MountainMeadow
- Cruze Control Mtn Meadow
- Cruze Control Pinata
- Cruze Control Star Flare
- Crystal
- Crystal Fountain
- Crystal Palace
- Crystal Peak White
- Crystal Pink
- Crystal Rivers
- Crystal White
- Ctenanthe
- Cuban
- Cubanelle
- Cubano
- Cucamelon
- Cuculata
- Cuculatta
- Cucullata
- Culibra
- Culinary Mix
- Cumbia
- Cumingiana
- Cup & Saucer Mix
- Cupala
- Cupcake
- Cupid
- Cupido
- Cupido Cosmic
- Cupido Pearl
- Cuprea
- Cuprea Red Secret
- Cupreata
- Curassavica
- Curled
- Curly
- Curly Boy
- Curly Fries
- Curly Green
- Curly Grey
- Curly Red
- Curly Wurly
- Currier
- Curry
- Curtain Call
- Curtipendula
- Cut & Come Again
- Cute Baby
- Cutesy Mix
- Cutting Edge
- Cutting Gold
- Cwebe
- Cyanea Pink Quill
- Cyber Pink
- Cymbiformis
- Cynthia
- Cyrtomium Fortunei
- Czakor
- Czar's Gold
- Czechmark
- D Tiga
- Da Vinci
- Daddy
- Dahlegria
- Dahlietta
- Dahlinova
- Dahlita
- Daigremontiana Pink Butterfly
- Daily Blue
- Dainty
- Dainty Lady
- Dainty Swan
- Daisy Falls
- Dakota
- Dakota Gold
- Dalaya
- Dale's Strain
- Dalina Grande
- Dalina Midi
- Dallas
- Dallas Blues
- Dalmatian
- Damask
- Damianita
- Dammeri
- Damsel
- Dan's Delight
- Dan Mahony
- Dana White
- Dance Can Can
- Dance Cha Cha
- Dance Jive
- Dance Paso Doble
- Dance Ssa
- Dancer
- Dancing Darling
- Dancing Queen
- Dancing Wind
- Dancing with Dragons
- Dancing with Smurfs
- Dandy Dream
- Dandy Mix
- Danessa
- Dania
- Danica
- Daniel Deronda
- Daniel Welch
- Daniella
- Danielle
- Danielle's Dream
- Danova
- Dara
- Dara's Choice
- Daring Deception
- Darjeeling Red
- Dark Blue
- Dark Britt
- Dark Canyon
- Dark Delicious Candy
- Dark Eyes
- Dark Eyes Trailing
- Dark Green
- Dark Green Zucchini
- Dark Heart
- Dark Knight
- Dark Lavender Chiffon
- Dark Magic
- Dark Matter
- Dark Mystery
- Dark Opal
- Dark Purple
- Dark Red
- Dark Rose
- Dark Ruffles
- Dark Secret
- Dark Shadows
- Dark Side Of The Moon
- Dark Star
- Dark Star F1
- Dark Storm
- Dark Towers
- Dark Vader
- Dark Violet
- Darko
- Darkside
- Darla
- Darley Dale
- Darley Sunshine
- Darlin
- Darling Daisy
- Darling Daisy Double
- Darling Daisy Supreme
- Dart
- Dart's Gold
- Daruma
- Darwin's Dream
- Dasante
- Dash
- Dasyphyllum
- David
- David's Choice
- David Verity
- David Ward
- Davidii
- Davidsonii
- Dawn
- Dawn Dewa
- Day
- Day's End
- Daydream
- Dayglow
- Days Blue
- Dazzle Rocks
- Dazzler
- De Caen
- De La Mina
- DeGroot's Spire
- Dea
- Dealbata
- Debbie
- Decadence
- Decadent
- Deceptor Stone Age Silver
- Decicco
- Decora
- Decussata
- Dee's Purple
- Deep Purple
- Deep Water
- Deer
- Defiance
- Defiant
- Deflix
- Deja Vu
- Dekko
- DelGenius
- Delavaya
- Delft Lace
- Delft Teacups
- Deliciosa
- Delicious
- Delicious Candy
- Delicious Nougat
- Delilah
- Delizz
- Delmara
- Delphina
- Delta
- Delta's Sarah
- Delta Classic
- Delta Dawn
- Delta Maidenhair Misty Cloud
- Delta Premium
- Delta Pro
- Delta Speedy
- Deltini
- Deltoides
- Demi
- Denali
- Denholm
- Denim n Lace
- Densiformis
- Dentata
- Dentata French
- Denticulatum Pine
- Denver
- Denver Daisy
- Dependens
- Deppeana
- Deppei Iron Cross
- Depressa Chocolate
- Depressa Palus
- Depressa San Paulo
- Depurple
- Derby
- Derrick Cook
- Desana
- Desert Bloom
- Desert Coral
- Desert Dancers Purple
- Desert Dancers Red
- Desert Eve
- Desert Flame
- Desert Glow
- Desert Island
- Desert Rose
- Design-A-Line
- Destiny F1
- Detroit Supreme
- Deutschland
- Devexiscapulae Sickle
- Devon Cottage
- Dew Drops
- DiaDeur
- Diablito
- Diabolo
- Diabunda
- Diadem
- Diamant
- Diamantina
- Diamond
- Diamond Double
- Diamond Frost
- Diamond Mountain
- Diamond Red
- Diamond Snow
- Diamonds
- Diamonds & Pearls
- Diamonfire
- Diana
- Diana's Delight
- Diana Clare
- Diana Remembered
- Dibs
- Dicks Pink
- Dickson's Gold
- Diffusa
- Difractens
- Digitalis Blackbeard
- Dill
- Dinni
- Dinosaur
- Dioica Rubra
- Dioicus
- Dioon Edule
- Dior
- Diphyllum
- Dipladenia
- Dipt in Wine
- Disco
- Disco Belle
- Discoball
- Discolor
- Discovery
- Dish Garden
- Display
- Distant Memory
- Distichum Bald Cypress
- Dittany of Crete
- Ditto
- Diva
- Divaricata
- Divergens
- Divine
- Divinity
- Divulsa
- Diwali
- Dixie F1
- Dixie Wood
- Dixieland
- Djix
- Do Tell
- Do You Lilac It?
- Dodrantale
- Dog Tuff
- Dolabriformis
- Dolce
- Dolce Fresca
- Dollar Princess
- Dollar Princess Upright
- Domestica
- Dominator
- Domingo
- Dominiek
- Domino
- Don
- Don Juan
- Donald Wyman
- Donatello
- Donkey's Ears
- Doone Valley
- Dorado
- Dorothy
- Dot Star
- Dot Wells
- Dottie
- Double
- Double Bloody Mary
- Double Blue
- Double Bubble Mint
- Double Cascade
- Double Click
- Double Coded
- Double Delight
- Double Delights Wedding Gown
- Double Dipped
- Double Duty
- Double Dwarf Mix
- Double Elodie
- Double Fata Morgana
- Double Focus
- Double Geneva
- Double Giant Mix
- Double Hitter
- Double Lady
- Double Madness
- Double Mahoi
- Double Martini
- Double Must See
- Double Oriental Lotus
- Double Otto Upright
- Double Pardon Me
- Double Pinkerbelle
- Double Play
- Double Pop Star
- Double R.
- Double Red
- Double Red Twin
- Double Scoop
- Double Standard
- Double Starlette
- Double Stuff
- Double Sweet Sunshine
- Double Trouble
- Double Up
- Double You
- Double Zahara
- Double the Sun
- DoubleShot
- Doubledecker
- Doublemint
- Doublet
- Doublini
- Doubloon
- Douglas
- Douglasii
- Douglasii Indian Mint
- Down Town
- Dr Alexander Fleming
- Dr Ruppel
- Draco
- Dracula
- Dragon
- Dragon's Blood
- Dragon's Breath
- Dragon's Breath BC
- Dragon's Tongue
- Dragon's Tooth
- Dragon Fruit
- Dragon Heart
- Dragon Scale
- Dragon Tail
- Dragone
- Dragone Sunset
- Dragonfly
- Dragons Breath
- Dragons Tooth
- Dragontail
- Dragonwing
- Dragoon
- Dream Cloud
- Dream Joy
- Dream Look/Jasper
- Dream Queen
- Dream Weaver
- Dreameria
- Dreaming Swan
- Dreamland
- Dreams
- Dreams Garden
- Dreamscape
- Dreamtime
- Dreamy
- Dress Code
- Dressed Up
- Dressing Rumex
- Drew's Folly
- Drop Dead Gorgeous
- Dropmore
- Dropmore Scarlet
- Drops of Jupiter
- Dropshot
- Druett's Variegated
- Drum and Bass
- Drummond's Pink
- Drummondianus
- Drumsticks
- Dryopteris
- Dubai Nights
- Dubia
- Dublin
- Duc de Branbant
- Duc de Rohan
- Duchess
- Duchess De Nemours
- Duchess of Edinburgh
- Duckfoot
- Ducksfoot
- Duet
- Duffii
- Dukat
- Dulcis
- Dumosa
- Duna Colorblast
- Duna Portulaca ColorBlast Double Mix
- Duna Portulaca ColorBlast Swizzle Mix
- Dura
- Durabella
- Durabloom
- Durandii
- Durango
- Durban
- Dusky
- Dusky Maidens
- Dusky Rose Trailing
- Dusty Rose
- Dutch
- Dutch Master
- Dutch Staghorn
- Dutchman's Pipe
- Duvet
- Dwarf
- Dwarf Allamanda
- Dwarf Amazonica
- Dwarf Amazonica Polly
- Dwarf Blue Glory
- Dwarf Brazilian Tree
- Dwarf Calidora
- Dwarf Cavendish
- Dwarf Curry
- Dwarf Egyptian Papyrus
- Dwarf Everbearing
- Dwarf Firefly
- Dwarf French Kiss
- Dwarf Goblin
- Dwarf Holly
- Dwarf Jerusalem
- Dwarf Katie
- Dwarf Lilyturf
- Dwarf Little Sensation
- Dwarf Marguerite
- Dwarf Mondo Grass
- Dwarf Morning Glory
- Dwarf Nam Wa
- Dwarf Orinoco
- Dwarf Palmetto
- Dwarf Pink Ice
- Dwarf Powder Puff
- Dwarf Puerto Rican Plantain
- Dwarf Purple
- Dwarf Purple Fountain Grass
- Dwarf Red
- Dwarf River
- Dwarf Rubrum
- Dwarf Rubrum Grass TC
- Dwarf Salmon
- Dyerianus
- Dynamite
- Dynamo
- Dynasty Mix
- Dynasty Orchid
- Dynasty Red
- Dynomite
- E3 Easy Wave
- Eared Lady
- Earli Dew F1
- Early
- Early Bird
- Early Bird Gold
- Early Blue
- Early Bonfire
- Early Brilliance Magenta
- Early Butternut F1
- Early Doll F1
- Early Flame F1
- Early Flat Dutch
- Early Giant F1
- Early Girl
- Early Girl Plus
- Early Jalapeño
- Early Jersey Wakefield
- Early Love
- Early Perfection
- Early Pink
- Early Splendor
- Early Springs
- Early Summer
- Early Summer Crookneck
- Early Sunrise
- Early Sunsation
- Early Wonder
- Early Wonder Tall Top
- Earlybird
- Earth Angel
- East Coast Swing
- East Friesland
- East Indian Holly
- Easter Bonnet
- Eastern Star
- Eastern Wood
- Easy Wave
- Eatonii
- Eau De Cologne
- Ebony
- Eburnea
- Eburneum
- Ecalcarata
- Echinatum
- Echo
- Echoc
- Eclair
- Eclipse
- Eclipse of the Sun
- Eco
- Ecuador
- Edda
- Edelweiss
- Edgy
- Edinburg
- Edith
- Edulis Superba
- Effusum aureum
- Effusus
- Effusus Spiralis
- Eggplant
- El Camino
- El Nino
- Elan
- Elance
- Elanos
- Elatior
- Elberta Peach
- Eldorado
- Ele Paio
- Eleanor
- Electra
- Electric
- Electric Avenue
- Electric Blue
- Electric Dreams
- Electric Flash
- Electric Lime
- Electric Pink
- Electric Star
- Electro Pink
- Elegance
- Elegans
- Elegans Princess
- Elegans Rose
- Elegant Candy
- Elegant Feather
- Elegante
- Elegantissima
- Elena
- Eleonora
- Eleorado
- Elephant
- Elephant's Ear
- Elephant Bush
- Elephant Staghorn
- Elephantipes
- Elf
- Elfin
- Elfin Gold
- Elfin Swan
- Elidia
- Eliers Beauty
- Elijah Blue
- Elisabeth van Veen
- Elise
- Elite Gold
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Angus
- Elizabeth Ashley
- Elkhorn
- Ella
- Ella Bella F1
- Ellacombianum
- Ellagance
- Ellebel
- Ellen
- Ellen Danica
- Ellie
- Ellwoodii
- Elma
- Elmblut
- Elodie
- Elongata
- Elsa Spath
- Elsie's Gold
- Embassy
- Ember's Wish
- Ember Glow
- Emberays Rise Up
- Emberglow
- Embra
- Emerald
- Emerald 'n Gold
- Emerald & Gold
- Emerald Beauty
- Emerald Carpet
- Emerald Charger
- Emerald Crest
- Emerald Crown F1
- Emerald Empress
- Emerald Falls
- Emerald Gaiety
- Emerald Gaiety Big Leaf
- Emerald Giant
- Emerald Green
- Emerald Lace
- Emerald Mist
- Emerald Queen
- Emerald Ripple
- Emerald Ruff
- Emerald Sprite
- Emerald Vase Boston
- Emily McKenzie
- Emina
- Emma
- Emmeliana Spikemoss
- Emperor
- Emperor's Wave
- Empire
- Empress
- Empress Flair
- Empress Sun
- Empress Sun Compact
- Encanto
- Enchanted Eve
- Enchanted Garden
- Enchantment
- Encore
- Encore Autumn
- Encore IV
- Endless
- Endurance
- Enduring Summer Red
- Endurio
- Engelmann's Daisy
- Englemann's Daisy
- English
- English Roseum
- English Variegated
- English Wedgewood
- Enon
- Enorma
- Ensata
- Enviva
- Enzie
- Epic
- Equisetformis
- Equisetformis Salmon
- Erecta Aurea
- Erecta Aurea Yellow
- Erecta Blue
- Erecta Cuban Gold
- Erecta Gold Edge
- Erecta Gold Mound
- Erectum
- Erika
- Erin Lea
- Ernest Markham
- Ernie
- Erysistible
- Escargot
- Escential
- Esme Peach
- Esperanta
- Espero
- Esqueleto
- Essence
- Estavana
- Esther Read
- Estrella
- Estrella Blue Star
- Estrella Upright
- Estrella Voodoo
- Etain
- Eternal Fragrance
- Etoile Violet
- Etouffee
- Eugene's Golden Mirror
- Euphoria Ruby
- Euphoric
- Eureka
- Europa
- Europaea
- Eustachya
- Eva
- Eva Cullum
- Eva Gold
- Evan Elenbaas
- Evanthi 2
- Evanthi 2-3
- Evanthi 3
- Eve Case
- Eveline
- Evelyne
- Evening Glow
- Evening Scentsation
- Evening Sun
- Ever Great
- Ever Red
- EverBloom
- EverColor
- EverLast
- Everbearing Seascape
- Everbowles
- Everest
- Everett's Choice
- Everflame
- Evergemiensis Silver Lace
- Evergold
- Evergreen
- Evergreen Giant
- Everleaf
- Eversilver Germander
- Eversweet
- Everyday Bronze
- Everyday Cerise
- Everyday Cream
- Everyday Gold
- Everyday Orange
- Everyday Pink Cream
- Everyday Pink Wing
- Everyday Punch Yellow
- Everyday Red
- Everyday Red Rib
- Evita
- Evolution
- Ewersii
- Excalibur
- Excalibur 2
- Excellente
- Excelsa
- Excelsior Mix
- Exceptional
- Excurrence
- Exilis Schmidthii Epsilon
- Exilis smithii
- Exotic Red
- Exotica
- Experimental
- Explorer
- Explosion
- Expo Flora
- Expoflora
- Extase
- Extra Triple Curled
- Eye Candy
- Eye Caramba
- Eye Shadow
- Eyeconic
- Eyelash
- Eyeliner
- Eye-Catcher
- Ez Rider
- F M Joyner
- FL Berry Bowl
- FL Rising Moon
- FL Season's Nectar
- FL Stars and Stripes
- FL White Sails Mix
- Faassen's
- Faassenii
- Fab Quick Fire
- Fabiola
- Faciata
- Faded Jeans
- Fairest of All (Tricolor)
- Fairway
- Fairway Spur
- Fairy
- Fairy Castle
- Fairy Hair
- Fairy Kisses
- Fairy Queen
- Fairy Snow
- Fairy Tale
- Fairytail Bride
- Fairytale Pink
- Fairytale Romance
- Falcata
- Falcatus
- Falco
- Falcon
- Falda 2
- Fall Gold
- Fall Sensation
- Fall in Love Sweetly
- Falling In Love Rosie
- Falling Moon
- Fallopia Aubertii
- Fama
- Famosa
- Famous
- Fan
- Fan Flower
- Fanal
- FanciFillers
- Fancifillers
- Fancifillers Choco Chili
- Fancy
- Fancy California
- Fancy Feathers Black
- Fancy Feathers Pink
- Fancy Shade Mix
- Fandango
- Fanfare
- Fanfare Upright
- Fannie Munson
- FantAsiatic
- Fantabulous
- Fantasia
- Fantasista
- Fantastico F1
- Fantasy
- Fantasy Night
- Far And Away
- Fargesia Little Red Head
- Fargesia Murielae
- Fargesia Nitida
- Fargesia Rufa
- Fargesia Scabrida
- Fargesia Wenchuan
- Fargesia Wolong
- Fargesioides
- Farina
- Farnhamii
- Faro Form
- Farthing
- Fascination
- Fashion
- Fashion Pink
- Fashionably Early
- Fashionista
- Fast Forward
- Fast Grower
- Fast Vantage
- Fat Mama
- Fatal Attraction
- Faulkner
- Faustinoi
- Favonian
- Favorit
- Faye Chapell
- Feather Falls
- Feather Reed
- Feathered Friends
- Feathers
- Fedor
- Feeling
- Feeling Patriotic
- Feenfinger
- Felicity
- Felix
- Felix Crousse
- Feng Qing Choi
- Fennel
- Fern Leaf
- Fernleaf
- Fernwood
- Ferreyrae
- Ferris Wheel
- Festiva Maxima
- Festival
- Festival Mini
- Festival Semi Double
- Festive Dance
- Fiala Remembrance
- Fiber Optic Grass
- Fiddleleaf Fig
- Fiddleleaf Fig Singles
- Field of Gold
- Fields of Fringed
- Fiesta
- Fiesta Del Sol
- Fiesta Time
- Figaro
- Fighter
- Filaginifolia
- Filiformis Spiralis
- Filou
- Final Touch
- Fine Leaf Gold
- Fine Line
- Fine-Feathered
- Finger Paint
- Fingerpaint
- Fiona
- Fire & Ice
- Fire Alarm
- Fire Bush
- Fire Chief
- Fire Dance
- Fire Dragon
- Fire Fresh
- Fire Frost
- Fire Glow
- Fire Glow Fuldaglut
- Fire Island
- Fire Light
- Fire Pot
- Fire Spike
- Fire Spinner
- Fire Star Imp
- Fire Wheels
- Fireball
- Firebird
- Firecracker
- Firecracker Upright
- Fired Up
- Firedance Igloo
- Fireflame
- Firefly
- Firefox
- Firehouse
- Firelight
- Firelight Blue
- Firepower
- Firesparks
- Firestorm
- Firewalker
- Firewitch
- Firework
- Fireworks
- Fireworks Igloo
- Fireworks Rubrum
- First
- First Arrival
- First Blue
- First Blush
- First Choice
- First Flame
- First Flush
- First Frost
- First Knight
- First Lady
- First Love
- First White
- Fishhooks
- Fishnet Stockings
- Fishtail
- Five Finger Maidenhair
- Five Star F1
- Fizz N Pop
- Fizzy Mizzy
- Flaccosperma
- Flambe Yellow
- Flame
- Flame Orange
- Flame Pro
- Flame Red
- Flame Star
- Flame Thrower
- Flame Vine
- Flamenco
- Flamenco Mix
- Flames of Passion
- Flamestar
- Flamethrower
- Flamevine
- Flaming Flare Fresno F1
- Flamingo
- Flamingo Feather
- Flamingo Glow
- Flamma
- Flapjacks
- Flare
- Flash
- FlashForward
- Flashing Light
- Flashy Trout Black
- Flavicoma
- Flemings
- Fleur en Vogue
- Fleurel
- Fleuri
- Flexuosus Lemon Grass East Indian
- Flexuosus Twister Cooper
- Flip Flops
- Flock Of Flamingo
- FloraMia
- Floral Lace
- Floral Showers
- Floral Spires
- Flordenia
- Flore Pleno
- Flore Pleno Mix
- Florence
- Florencio
- Florenza
- Floribunda Bridal Wreath
- Florida
- Florida 47
- Florida 47 R-F1
- Florida 91 F1
- Florida Beauty
- Florida Flame
- Florida Green
- Florida Mound
- Florida Rose
- Florida Sieboldii
- Florida Special
- Florida Summer
- Florida Sunset
- Florida Sunshine Anise
- Floriferum
- Florific
- Floriglory
- Floriline Giant
- Floriline Maxi
- Floriline Micro
- Floriline Midi
- Floriline Mini
- Florinilla
- Floriosa
- Florist
- Floristan
- Flow
- Flower Bomb
- Flower Fairy
- Flower Power
- Flower Shower
- Flower Tower
- FlowerBall
- FlowerPower Compact
- Flowerburst
- Flowerfesta
- Flowering
- Fluffles
- Fluffy Ruffles
- Fluminensis Albovittata
- Flutter
- Fluviatilis
- Fluviatilis Blue Star Creeper
- Flying Carpet
- Flying Cloud
- Flying Scotsman
- Flying Squid
- Focal Scoop
- Foetida
- Foetidus
- Folgate
- Foliage
- Fontaine
- Fontenesii
- Fonti
- Fool's Gold
- Fooled Me
- For Everything
- Ford Hook Giant
- Fordhook Giant
- Forest
- Forest Flame
- Forest Frost
- Foresteri
- Forever
- Forever Blue
- Forever Pink
- Forever Summer
- ForeverSummer
- Foreverland
- Formosa
- Formosan Wood
- Forsterianum Elegans
- Fort Hill
- Fort Laramie
- Fort Meyers
- Forte
- Fortune
- Fortune's Cold Hardy Holly
- Fortune's Holly
- Fortune Finder
- Fortunei
- Fortunei Clivicola
- FotoFinish
- Fountain
- Fountain Grass
- Four Seasons
- Foxley
- Foxtail
- Foxtrop
- Foxtrot
- Foxy
- Fradesii
- Frag Orange
- Fragans
- Fragaria
- Fragrans
- Fragrant
- Fragrant Angel
- Fragrant Beauty
- Fragrant Blue
- Fragrant Bouquet
- Fragrant Cloud
- Fragrant Dream
- Fragrant Falls
- Fragrant Maidenhair
- Fragrant Reflection
- Fragrant Returns
- Fraise Melba
- Fran's
- Francee
- Frances Williams
- Franklin Roosevelt
- Franz Hals
- Fraseri
- Freak!
- Freckle Face
- Freckles
- Fred Ives
- Freddie
- Freddy
- Fredo
- Freedom
- Freefall
- Freefall XL
- Freida Hemple
- French
- French Connection
- French Lavender
- French Perfume
- French Quarter
- French Salsa
- French Staghorn
- French Tarragon
- French White
- Fresca
- Fresco
- Fresco Apricot
- Fresco Mix
- Fresh Bites
- Fresh Heart Romaine
- Fresh Look
- Fresh Pak
- Fresh Start
- Freya
- Fridoline
- Friendsip
- Friller
- Frills
- Frilly
- Frilly Knickers
- Fringed
- Frisan
- Fritz Luthi
- Frizzle Sizzle
- Frizzle Sizzle Mini
- Frog in a Blender
- Frohnleiten
- Frost
- Frost Proof
- Frostbite
- Frosted
- Frosted Curls
- Frosted Explosion
- Frosted Fire
- Frosted Lemonade
- Frostkiss
- Frostline
- Frosty
- Frosty Blue
- Frosty Fire
- Frosty Igloo
- Frosty Kiss
- Fruelo
- Fruit Cocktail
- Fruit Punch
- Fruit Salad
- Fruit Swirl
- Fruity Paradise
- Frutescens
- Fruticosa
- Fruticosa Sundrops
- Fruticosus Cottonbush
- Frydek
- Fuchsia Fire
- Fuchsita
- Fuchsita Special
- Fuchsita XL
- Fuego
- Fuji
- Fujimi
- Fuldaglut
- Fulgida Sun Ka Ching
- Fulgida Var Fulgida
- Full Sun
- Fun And Games
- Fun House
- Funky
- Funky Frog
- Funny Face
- Funny Valentine
- Furman's Red
- Fury
- Fuseables
- Fusion
- Fusion Large Neon Pink
- Fusion of Fire
- Fuzzy
- Fuzzy Fern
- Fuzzy Petiole
- Fuzzy Wuzzy
- GG Gerbing
- GMR White
- Gain
- Gala
- Gala Corn Salad
- Galadriel
- Galatica
- Galaxy
- Galilee
- Gallant
- Gallery
- Gallery Mini